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Boyfriend Suddenly Turned Shy

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I'm not quite sure what to do here, this is a first for me. I was friends with those boy for about 2 months, we would hang out a lot at school, walk to almost every class together and talk a lot during the class we have together. We could easily carry a conversation.


He asked me out like two weeks ago but he did it the day before Spring Break and I wasn't ready to answer then and we didn't have any contact during spring break.


Well, on Tuesday I finally told him that yes, I could go out with him. But as soon as I said that, he got incredibly shy. I don't know what to do to help him open up again! I've been working very hard to keep a conversation going he hasn't really been helping.


I talked to some of our mutual friends and they all said that as outgoing as he is, he is very very shy around girls. But one thing I don't understand is, from what I've heard from my best friend (who is also good friends with my boyfriend) he has liked me for quite a while, yet he was still outgoing then! Why should a title suddenly change it all?


I don't understand this. I knew there would be a period of awkwardness at the beginning, but not this badly. He doesn't look at me as much as he did before I said yes. This is all very confusing to me...Does anyone have any insight?


Thanks for your time everyone!

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humm....so is he just shy, or is he disinterested?


Sounds to me like he went fishing and now that he caught something the trill is gone. Try talking to him normally about things that interest you both. If he still doesn't seem to respond well, then move on. You can't make a guy do something they don't want to, he's gonna have to work out whatever problem he has on his own.


In the mean time you should just have fun going to school and having friends. Your young, enjoy life!

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Sounds to me like he went fishing and now that he caught something the trill is gone.


I really don't think that's it. I'm going to tell you right now that neither of us are the most popular people in the world, so we don't have as much relationship experience as everyone else. All of our mutual friends have told me that he's just shy, and I'm positive at least one of them would say tell me if he's not interested anymore (but it's only been like 4 days, can he really lose interest that fast?)


I dunno...I can't quite tell if who I'm trying to convince here, you or me. I really really really don't think he's that type of person.

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I totally understand the situation because I'm like that. I guy I went out with a few weeks ago. We were working together on the same show and spoke all day long, into the evening.....he asked me out that night. I thought, great we can talk some more! But when I went on my date with him, I felt myself getting a lot shyer and much more quiet. I was entering very foreign territory and I immediately sort felt like a turtle going into my shell. So it's likely that he hasn't gotten to know his "dating self" quite yet. It's kind of like when I was learning to drive and because I had never driven before, I couldn't see myself as a driver and I was very uncomfortable getting behind the wheel. Of course with time and experience, I've become really comfortable driving. Dating is much the same way, it sounds like he's just inexperienced and it may take a while for him to get comfortable with the situation. I'd just be patient. I could be wrong, but it seems like he's interested.

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He's being held back by something small, like for example maybe he's a kid at heart, he still sleeps with stuffed animals LOL. Or he just doesn't know what to do on the date and he might be afraid to make any moves...well when your going out with him on the date make sure you try to make the moves if he doesn't he probably wants to but is afraid.

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