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This may sound strange, but when I am home a lone I get quite concerned about someone breaking in and maybe attacking me. I am not paranoid about it, but it does concern me. I don't know why I feel this way considering that no one has ever broken into my house, and I live in an extremely safe and crime free neighbourhood. SO where does this (irrational?) fear come from? Does anyone else feel this way? I was talking to a girl I am friends with, and she says that she often fears someone breaking to her home and raping her...so does anyone else feel this way?

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I Just want too say this is my first post.......

I am 34 y/o (today). I have also had that same fear since I was a child. Only mine goes farther than just my house. I often feel like that in public places. In shopping mall restrooms and similar places. I wonderif I am paranoid also. I do not think so. I think it is an irrationa fear that stems from something that I am not able to remember. I also get nervous in the dark. I wonder if ayone else experiences these feelings? [/i][/b]

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It's really just paranoia. Unless you have had experienced this in the past, you have an irrational fear. Lots of ppl have fears that are irrational...we call them phobias. Don't get me wrong...phobia's can be good, but most of the time it's fear that stems from some experience in our past...such as fears of spiders, snakes, or of drowning.

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yeh whenever im home alone at night i fear someone breaking in, and i keep going down the back of my house to close doors so at least i'll hear them if they get opened, a bit crazy. and i go back to check afterwards like 5 times wen im trying to sleep, its an obsessive thing on my behalf, but ive spoken to lots of friends and i think its a fear everybody has sometime or other...

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Live alone for a while. You'll get over it real fast.


Don't mean it to sound like a flip remark, but it's the truth. I went from my parents' house to living with my college bf and was 27 before I lived by myself. First few days/weeks were nerve-wracking. After that, no biggie. It's just a matter of getting used to it. like many things we fear...it's not the thing itself, it's the unknown that's frightening.


If you watch the news at all, you need to realize what kind of fear that tends to create within yourself. They tend to sensationalize things to the point of ridiculousness and then make people unnecessarily frightful. I stopped watching the news on a regular basis in 1992 or 93. I'm better off without the fear-mongering.


Here's something I read on the topic of why you need to take anything you see on the news with a grain of salt: If a plane crashes, you hear about it constantly for days...you never hear about the thousands of planes that make it safely to their destinations that day or any other day. Just like break-ins, robberies, assaults -- you hear about the ones that happen....you don't hear about the thousands and thousands that don't.


I lived alone for the better part of 10 years, some of that time in really crappy neighborhoods. Only problem I ever had was a busted out car window once. They didn't even take anything out of the car, just busted the window. My insurance covered replacement.

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I feel like this a lot. My dad's house is in a dangerous neighborhood and when he leaves I just watch TV with the volume up. Also, singing to yourself might help. Keeping a phone next to you might make you feel more secure just in case you feel like calling somebody to assure yourself if anything DOES happen somebody can call the cops.

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