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Im seriously considering getting a nose job (pics of me now)

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Ive thought about this for some time now, im a 21 year old college student, and i basically have a big nose, atleast i think so, and the fact that ive been made fun of about it, or just been teased by friends, or just told honestly "yeah you have a big nose, its a part of you, dont worry about it." My friends have names for me, ranging from "nose" to "schnaz" "schnauzer" "gonzo" "pinochio" and youre gonna love this one "nostril-damus."

To give you a little history, three years ago i was involved in an incident, where i was jumped by 6 guys, left in a hospital unconscious, with about 5 fractures and three missing teeth (yes im lucky to be alive). Two of those fractures happened to be my nose and cheekbone. Everything was surgically re-done, teeth replaced to look like they were never even missing, however, when the nose/cheekbone(t-shaped fracture) healed, it sort of left my nose with a bit of a crooked appearance at the top, and also it looks wider since the bone density increased from the healing. So in turn, my nose looks bigger than before, atleast i think.

Heres a link to a page i have with some pics of me(not the greatest), perhaps you can give me your own opinion? link removed

I think today kind of did it for me, cause a girl i work with, we were having a teasing fight with one another, and she said something that got to my sensitive side, and then i asked her "you really think my nose is that big," and shes like well its not that big, but i would like to see pics of you before your accident a few years back", and then she goes, "well your nose does affect your appearance a bit, i would say two whole points on a 1-10 scale, dropping you from a potential 8 or 9 to a 6 or 7". I normally dont take that personally, but somehow it hit me today, i dunno why, and it kinda is stuck in my head.

I am a very confident guy, i feel i have a great appearance, great personality to add to that, i also know i have a big nose, and i am fine with being able to accept it. Ive never had a problem with women finding me attractive in my life, but then sometimes i just think, if medical technology can help, why not consider it, only for myself. Maybe im just down because me and my girlfriend broke up recently. I dunno, im confused, and acting insecure and sensitive, i dunno, can someone give me their insight, perhaps if theyve had a rhinoplasty done in the past. Im in new york, and found one surgeon who seems to be well reknown, name is Dr. Bellin. Any experience? Any suggestions?


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Hey! I think you're cute. But I'm a guy so you might not be getting the right opinion, lol.


I think you are too self-conscious of the biggest overt physical attribute you have. Your nose isnt that bad at all, its very distinctive. It doesnt make you ugly. If anything, it makes you stand out.


I would not suggest a nose job, I'd suggest a perception change. If someone teases you about your nose, roll with it and make fun of yourself about it. If a gal talks about your nose and you feel uncomfortable, tell her about the eskimo greeting:


You get right up to her and rub her nose with yours. Bound to make an impression - a positive one.


Or you could talk like Elmo. Girls just love Elmo.


I remember this Steve Martin show called Roxanne. THAT is the attitude you're looking for.

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i might be over the breakup already, thats not bothering me much anymore.

Perception change - been there, done that. Doesnt seem to always stay with me, and eventually i break down and lose it. I almost always go along with people and make jokes about it myself too when they make comments, but at the end of the day, nothing changes.

Im not sure where i stand at this point, ill just have to wait and see if i really want to dish out $6,000 for something, where i could put that money to better use. Its all about weighing out my preferences and importances.

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Hey Tears May Fall,


I don't think your nose is that bad. I have to admit you are a good-looking guy but it is true that your nose is kinda wide. But geez you were jumped a few years back!

You could get the the rhinoplasty, b/c it seems like it would make you happy. It is not absolutely necessary (I think you are still attractive nevertheless); it's true that it adds character to your face.

If you're getting it done, don't get like a whole new nose, the size is right for your face, but it just needs straightening out/not a too drastic correction.

I would say book a consultation with the surgeon and discuss it. He can tell you how he thinks it should be improved and such, and give you an idea of how it can be improved. And then you could think it over some more.

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hey...i don't think your nose is bad. But i think u WOULD LOOK BETTER with a smaller nose (most people would).


OK look at it this way,


If u r the kind of guy that makes a lot of money or has a lot of money then go for it.


However, if you don't have that much money or make that much money then don't dish ot 6 Grand just to make your nose a bit smaller.


ya and i think someone above said to not change the entire nose. I think just soem work has to be done. Not to much. I don't think it would cost so much. 6 Grand seems steep for a nose job. But then again i don't know what nose jobs go for now a days

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well this wouldnt be happening at the present time, ill be graduating soon enough and making good money, and then ill be able to really consider it. And yes, 6 grand does seem kinda steep for a nose job, but most of the good surgeons ive gotten referrals of in NYC, charge just around that much for any type of rhinoplasty.

Thanks for the support everyone, atleast you guys are being realistic with me unlike my family who just says "oh your nose is fine"

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