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I love 2 now what


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My wife and I are in a open relationship for over 2 yrs now, been married over 20, but what happen is we broke the rules and instead of just going out on flings we started 2 relationships with her boyfriend and my girlfriend, we both keep no secrets but we both are in love with them as well as with each other, they know everything, so it's no secret to them about our relationship, our kids are grown so that's not a issue, we really want to keep our life but we are so torn and don't want to lose them either, they are both UNHAPPILY married to people they don't like

Wow not sure what to do but we must make a decision in the next year due to moving, we stay together or we split up and see where it goes,

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I'm not sure what you're torn about. You fell in love with the people you've been sleeping with. Do you want to make it permanent and have everybody live in a big house or do you want them to go away? Not sure what your decision is.


Ditto. I can't figure it out either, but when reading the previous thread it seems the marriage and the entire situation is a mess.

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Ditto. I can't figure it out either, but when reading the previous thread it seems the marriage and the entire situation is a mess.


Nothing is a mess not the marriage or the entire situation I just want to make sure I can go about doing things and try not to hurt no one

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