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*WOndering out Loud*

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okay maybe this is stupid, dum, whatever you want to call it but I've been going out with my b/f for 9 months now and we're extremely close and we lolove each other and all that but when we're in school we show like no signs of affection like in the hallways like we don't hold hands kiss each other good bye or anything he started saying I love u in school which almost caught me by surprise but day after day I walk down the hallways and what not and see all these "couples" holding hands and just showing signs of affection and im just like "ughhhh" or "grrr" and he's like what? ANd he just deosnt like get it....I dont want to come out and be like whats your problem becuz maybe hes not like that but hes like that evrywhere else like non-stop.. I need some advice..how do you go upon confronting someone with that question LOL..so confused..all comments appreciated...am I overreacting?

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Maybe he is just not a fan of PDA (Public Display's of Affection). Alot of ppl are like that, and alot of ppl are offened by seeing others make out all over the place. So unless you see some hidden reason for his actions, such as another g/f I would say just keep you private life with him just that way, private.

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Maybe he does not find it appropriate in school? Personally I am fine with SOME level of affection in public such as holding hands, a small kiss or back rub...whatever. But those people who are ALL over each other sort of make me a little um....well, I don't need to see it!


So I would just ask him if he is uncomfortable with it, and if he is, respect that. He is affectionate in private, right? So don't use his uncomfortableness of PDA's as a lack of affection towards you, its just what he is comfortable with, and try and respect that

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Thanxxx we've being going out for like ever so you'de think this would be an easy thing to talk about to him I dunno I just dont want to seem like a moron like i need too much attention or something...I agree too much (PDA) is totally unessesary and deosnt need to be seen in school, but holding hands isnt bad ...

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