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this guy asked me out and we had been friends for a bit and i did like him. But we are Total oppisites and from wat he says alot of girls like him and flirt with him but then he's saying how he'll kind of stay away from them and that he dosent want me to hang out with one of my guy friends that much because he thinks he likes me. This wensday we will be together for a week and i dont want to complain but he keeps wanting to do this stuff im not totally into.


And i dont want to sound like a female dog but im a total flirt and i dont like the fact that im "taken" it just will make me want a guy more if i cant have him. Im not a skank like i won't cheat on him and he's even said thats something he likes about me but i really dont know wat to do.

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Well, if you are not compatible with him and you are saying things like you can't stand him, then I think the best thing to do is end this relationship. You should not be involved with someone just because they like you - you need to be emotionally ready and WANT to be involved with them.


I would end it politely and in a caring way, the sooner you can the better, and just say you don't think you have enough in common, and that you don't think it is fair he tells you who to be friends with or not.

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The longer you stay with him, the more you'll resent him for trying to control who you hang out with and for getting in the way of you flirting with other guys. ou might be better as friends, and I would be as considerate yet firm as possible when breaking up with him. Since you've only been together for a week, it shouldn't be that bad, but I agree that you should be gentle and stress the fact that you have little in common and have different needs and expectations.


Good luck!

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It seems to me, that this guy has some serious self-confidence issues. You have the right to look at whoever you want, however you want. Just be respectful of your boyfriends feelings. If he can't stand your flirting, then maybe you two aren't meant to be. I've been with my girl for about 5 months, and I still love being with her. Some times you have to do things you really don't want to, but if it's too much for you to handle, then just let him go..

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