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I think she likes me but wnt to make sure


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There's a girl i've liked for a while. I've known her for about 6 years, but never really liked her until now. A few weeks ago i was at a friends party and she was there too. I got a wee bit drunk and was sitting next to her basically the whole time, telling stupid jokes to her and anyone around me. She seemed to find them all funny even if they we'rent actually that funny (one sign she might like me). She also asked if she can have a sip of my beer (i heard that this means she is attracted to me bcos she doesn't mind swapping saliva with me). That night i also asked her for her number and she gave it to me without any questioning (is this also a sign?).


When i went away for a week to fiji she was really interested in how it was.

She seems to always be listening to me, even when buisy texting someone.

There is one thing that makes me doubtful. We've never had an actual serious conversation that lasted more that a minute.


I was thinking of asking her out by text message (it's easier cos im a bit shy) next friday before the school holidays. Should i? Does she like me?

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Yep, ask her out but no text message - I realise you are shy but you have to summon the courage to overcome that. If you text and she says no you will know if it was be cause she thought it was a cheesy way to ask her out.

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I'd say you can't really ask for so many better signs!


I hear you with the shyness.. I used to be very shy.. and even one time I called up a girl to ask her out.. I was so nervous I actually had to say I will call you right back becuase I couldn't even talk anymore!


Than I called her back and asked her out.


I'd say if you are that shy, where your voice gets bad or you can't really say much more I'd do this trick.

First when you call her tell her that your having trouble with your phone and you can get disconnected at any time. And if your talking and you can't really go on just hang the phone up! This will give you an easy way out.


But I guess its better to just call and ask her out, but if you can't do it... than text messaging is better than nothing.

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