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odd behaviour in a girl


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I met a girl a while back and for reasons I'm not going into I decided to just be friends due to citcumstances. A great girl nonetheless.


I then decided to delete ger on social media but this upset her as she felt i was deleting her out of everything. I then readded her but she said i don't want any comms through social media unless i wanted to be with her. We likedceach other's posts which was fine.


Then about a week ago she posted a link to her Spotify acc. On Instagram then noted that rvery line means so much to her at this moment. The lyrics deal with getting someone back, even if it's a bit on the side etc. Sensing she might be upset and obviously posting overtures to me i commented on the song with something like 'a great song' - innocious.


The next morning i found i had ben deleted from all her sm accounts.


Any insights? Very confused. Seems many contradictions. She knew ibwould see the song and she's posted ones before.

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You're assuming the song was about you. Did she not say she didn't want any communication or comments through social media? Maybe there's someone else in her life and having you around complicates things for her. You won't know because there's no communication, so at this point what does it matter? You don't want to be with her anyway


Out of curiosity, what were the reasons you decided to just be friends?

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Wow. It's insanely arrogant to assume a song is about you. And even more so to comment on it and try to be innocuous.


I would delete you, too.


ETA: and you delete her as a social media friend then re add her with directions? WHAT?! Sheesh. Yeah. She's behaving reasonably. You? Not so much.

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Wow. It's insanely arrogant to assume a song is about you. And even more so to comment on it and try to be innocuous.


I would delete you, too.


ETA: and you delete her as a social media friend then re add her with directions? WHAT?! Sheesh. Yeah. She's behaving reasonably. You? Not so much.


Didn't Carly Simon have a song about this?

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Thanks for the reply.


I've only said to be friends two weekscago. It's not my ego talking the lyrics said can't move on, just call me etc. And theme of jealousy. I know how she thinks we are both ENTP.


It was the age difference im in my 30s she in her 20s.


You do not know how she thinks. The fact that you can't figure out why she deleted you proves this. If I were in her position, posted a meaningful song on social media and someone that I had negative feelings for and didn't direct the song at commented, I'd delete them too because I'd want them to know that the song is not about me pining for them and they have overstayed their welcome in my life.


It's also quite possible she baited you by posting the song in the first place, so that it would arouse the emotions in you that you're denying for arbitrary reasons (which age gaps are, in some people's minds). Clearly it worked. There's her revenge for being rejected, you can both move on now


I feel almost impressed with my own insightfulness on this situation but then I remember it's because I've done the exact same thing to guys many times. It's too easy

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