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any advice for me? -so shy but so outgoing

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hey guys, i didnt know if this worked so i sent it again lol. i was just investigating sites which would tell me about dating and stuff and found dis one. I'm really scared when it comes to dating and theres something in my mind saying its wrong, like i feel immature and uneasy in those situations and it drives me mad when im like that. Im a really outgoing person, but im quite shy too. i just keep thinking im some weirdo who doesn't know themselves, yet i really like being with guys and they like my company, and although i really wanna ask them out, i feel embarrased and as though it wouldnt be my sorta thing. Does anyone know how to build up courage against these negative thoughts and make it all casual n easy?? i so wanna get over this and im already nearly 18, so i feel odd around my friends i feel a bit like this dude looks> 0X thankuu

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welcome to the forum, hope we can help you find the answers youre looking for.


i too used to be not one to "date". i used to think dating can sometimes be viewed as shallow & difficult. but its really not that bad. but first you need to find out who YOU are inside before you go out finding someone else to join in on your world.


youre young its common & normal to not know the REAL YOU YET. im 21 & im still learning things about myself. in life i feel that to be the best & most you can be, you are constantly learning more about yourself & "you" may change from time to time, but thats perfectly healthy. change is good. im certainly not the same person i was in HS, & im not even the same person i was a year ago. or 2 years ago. and i love it. once you find a middle ground between your shyness & outgoingness your confidence will skyrocket. youre unsure of yourself so of course you will have these insecurities & sense of "lack of balance" so to speak. but you are young & i wouldnt WORRY about it too much. involve yourself with clubs & organizations. find things that interest you & you may find people that are like you.


and as for your friends; maybe youre in a way 'outgrowing them'. i definitly outgrew some of my friends & as they did me. its perfectly normal to grow apart in time with some of the people in your life. the people we involve ourselves with effect the way we are as individuals & vice versa. experiences also mold us into who we are. but like i said; i wouldnt WORRY at all about this. its simply not a matter in which to worry about. you'll figure everything out in time. and im sure youll be very pleased with the outcome.


take care & keep posting,


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