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My Friend Angers Easily

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So I have this friend... and she get's mad rather easily. I don't know what to do. Like she got really mad over me telling my guy friend a secret. Now she thinks I don't trust her. Now she's being all pissy and doesn't want to talk. I'm rather pissed myself because I didn't tell her my secret because I didn't want her to worry. I did her a favor and she get's pissed. What should I do about her?

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How did she find out there was a secret to being with? If she had not known that the secret existed, she wouldn't be mad...if you want to tell someone a secret, you should make sure that no one else knows that you told them a secret...even if they don't know what that secret is, knowing it exists will bother your good friends.

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Maybe she is upset because she thinks if you guys are so close why didn't you come to her with the secret first?


I have a good friend who sometimes it seems acts jealous over time I spend with my boyfriend or friends from school, and accuses me of neglecting her.


I always try to reassure her that she is very important to me as well but that sometimes I talk to other friends and spend time with them too.


I think this type of friend jealousy is pretty normal, just talk to her, find out what is really bothering her and see what you can do about it to smooth things over.


It could just be that her feelings are hurt that you went to someone other than her with this big secret.

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