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Is she just messing me about?


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Hi guys and gals,


So here's my recent conundrum. Been chatting to a girl online for the past few weeks, was going brilliantly, really great conversations and chemistry. She'd message me when drunk telling me how much she fancies me and all that. Met her once out in town, pulled her, went really well.


The good texting continued. I asked her out, she said a rather vague 'maybe', I then more specifically suggested an exact day, to which she didn't respond to, even though the general messages continued. I assumed she didn't particularly want to hang out and that I should refrain from asking twice and looking desperate.


The good texting continued, I asked her again tonight (a few days on from my original invitation) if she'd like to hang out soon. She replied saying that she would, but I was supposed to take her out on the day I offered her but didn't, which according to her makes me a 'let down Larry', and that she forgot to reply to the invite but that 'wasn't the point'.


I responded saying as she didn't give me an answer - I assumed she didn't want to hang out. She then tells me that she in fact did want to, but is just 'a bit shy'. To which I told her that's understandable but how was I to know and perhaps we should put the misunderstanding behind us and arrange something for the next few days. She'll probably reply something in the morning.


I feel rather hard done by here, I wasn't aware it was advisable to ask and ask the same invite after it's ignored the first time, especially when the general consensus of dating seems to involve refraining from being pushy and nagging and being needy. It's confusing because she's shown undeniable attraction towards me and I've intrigued the hell out of her.


Assuming she doesn't reply in a positive way, even after me giving us the opportunity to put it behind us, she can't have been too bothered in the first place, right?


She's just messing me about isn't she?

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