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How soon do you become official? And age difference question

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Let's say someone hasn't been in an official "relationship" for 6 years. Do you randomly just decide one day to become an "official couple" if you hadn't previously had thoughts about this person beyond friendship?


And is it too much age difference between 21 F and 27 M?


Are the first couple of months meant to be the honeymoon period, or is it normal to have doubts about the relationship and want the freedom that comes with being single?

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With my exes, we became official in 2,3 months. Haha, more than that never happened to me, but I'm glad to hear that it can happen.

I don't think it's too much age difference.

And I think it's normal, it's something new, it's OK to not be a hundred per cent sure.

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If you want the freedom that comes with being single, then you're probably just not that into your friend. Becoming exclusive with someone usually doesn't happen until you've been romantically involved with someone for at least a few months, and it should only happen if the couple has the same dating goals. Are you being railroaded into doing something you're not ready for? Always do what's best for yourself.

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Are the first couple of months meant to be the honeymoon period, or is it normal to have doubts about the relationship and want the freedom that comes with being single?


It's normal to have doubts but wanting the freedom that comes with being single may indicate that the person is just not that into you or is a commitment phobe, thus it should be viewed as a red flag imo. The age difference is not big but different life-stages can be an issue. At 21 one is supposed to sow their wild oats/get partying out of their system, while at 27 most people are focused in building a career. That means that there could be a mismatch/ may lead to the younger person missing out on the fun to be had that period of one's life, which they may regret later.

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Confused. No that is not a big age difference, and you are both very young. There are many couples, and I know quite a few where there is a 10, 20 and sometimes 25 year age difference. Depends largely on the individuals.


There is much wisdom in the saying: "If in doubt...DON'T"


And something so important as becoming official is not IMO something to be decided randomly, as if on the spur of the moment you decide, as it is a fine day, to go for a run, a swim or a sail....

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