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I don't know what to think...

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My girlfriend of almost a month now has me sort of confused. She has told me alot about her life, and I have told her alot about mine, I feel that we have connected. However here is my trust issue.


Here and there she goes to a social gathering, where many adults go ( most of them are adults, except for my gf, who is 17) and they do w/e they do (its not important) and thereforeee, interacting with all these older guys (some well into their 30s) gets some of them wanting to hang out with her.


She believes they do this just because she is "too nice", and I was told by her that she went to meet one of them who wanted to hang out, and she reported that he wanted to be with her....I have heard alot about many guys wanting to be with her, most are older.


Not only this, but she is going to get together with an old girlfriend of hers to hangout, one she really really used to want (she's bi) and now this girl is single, and actually wants my gf...And even though I was told they wont fool around, my gut has me worried....Cause my girlfriend has had a sexual past...What do you think about all this?

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okay, when she does something with these guys, then toss her on her ass. until then... have a little faith! she's with you for a reason! As for her girlfriend thinger, so! Tell her how you feel, but maybe you'll get freaky with both of them... if you're not into that, maybe she isn't either! She's with a GUY right now... so why would she go to a chick?

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Well Im not into getting freaky with both of them, I kinda think its dirty, and defeats the meaning of sex. But you see, shes a true bi, so everything would revolve around feelings and whatnot...



I just feel weird knowing that other guys want her, especially when shes 17 and theyre like 24+, are they sick or something.....What does she offer that someone their age, and LEGAL, couldnt?

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Well maybe these guys are sickos who just want sex from her, but maybe some like her for the same reasons you do. You have to realize that she's going to meet guys all her life. Some of them will be attracted to her, but that doesn't mean shes going to want them too. She might think some are attractive, but if she's with you, then you have to at least realize that you are more important to her than other guys are.


If things are bothering you, then you should talk to her about it. Ask her why she's wanting to hang out with these older guys. Is it just because they find her attractive? Does she seem to have a self esteem problem? That could be why she enjoys being around them, they make her feel good about herself.


You should talk to her though. I would feel the way you do too. Especially if she's going to be hanging out with a girl that she used to have a big crush on, who now wants her. Just tell her how you feel.

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]Well Im not into getting freaky with both of them, I kinda think its dirty, and defeats the meaning of sex. But you see, shes a true bi, so everything would revolve around feelings and whatnot...


Seems it's only the people who wouldn't like that who get offered it



I just feel weird knowing that other guys want her, especially when shes 17 and theyre like 24+, are they sick or something.....What does she offer that someone their age, and LEGAL, couldnt?


Wait until you're 24+ ... I bet you'll have an eye for the young ladies too.

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It's just her having all guy friends can kinda get me intimidated sometimes. I don't like to worry, or even care this much sometimes, because I don't really think she does....This just all makes me think back....Everything about her was kind of easy.....and im starting to doupt things, there are other deterrants like drugs and whatnot..

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I would be suspicious too man. She is young though, and its possible she is just naive, however I doubt it. Lets look at the basics


1) She has hung out with another guy alone who wanted to "be" with her.

2) She is going to hang out with a girl she wanted and who wanted her in return.


Here are some questions to ask her.


1) How would you like it if I went out alone with a girl who wanted me and a girl whom I used to have a crush on?

2) How would you like it if I went and hung out alone with an older woman that wanted me?


The goal is to help her to see things from your perspective, which she isnt doing.


If it were me, I would let go of this person simply because I dont need that kind of stress. You aren't into bi's, so why are you dating one?


Go with your gut on this one. If your girlfriend puts herself into situations like she is, its only a matter of time until something bad happens.

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You can't force yourself to trust this girl, and I don't think it's a good idea to ignore your gut feeling. Just because she was easy doesn't mean that she will cheat on you, but are there other things about her which make you doubt her? Does she lie? Has she cheated in the past? Does she sound like she's interested in these other people she meets as more than friends?

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She hasn't lied or anything. And she hasn't cheated in the past, I'm just worried that she is going to get the impression that they have more to offer for whatever reason (more money, their own place, a car), when in reality I see it only a chance to get in someone's pants easy.


I'm going to give a little faith. But if I'm messed with, I will not tolerate it.

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She hasn't given you any reason not to trust her as far as I can see. But it has only been a month and real trust can only be built over a long period of time. And try not to invest too much into this just yet because it's only been a month. As far as her leaving you for someone else with more money, own place, etc. If my girl was going to leave me for those reasons, I'd tell the other guy he can have her and never talk to her again.

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You just have to trust he reasons for being with you. Still talk to her about it though because its good to talk about your feelings with her.


I'm almost 20 and I have really close friends who are around 25. I know they think I'm attractive because they have told me, but I really don't want any of them like that. My boyfriend lives an hour away, so you can imagine how he probably feels when I hang out with these other guys. However, my boyfriend trusts me. We have talked about it many ttimes. I'm not going to stop hanging out with these people because I have known them longer than my boyfriend. I wouldn't expect my boyfriend to stop hanging out with other girls.


I don't want anything from my friends besides friendship. They might have more to offer me than my boyfriend, since they are older and I know they have more money and i do see them a lot more often, but I'm not in it for that. I want to be with the guy I love, not the guy who can offer me more. Hopefully your girlfriend is like that too. Just be caring and sweet to her. Don't accuse her of anything. Tell her your happy she is making friends, but you are worried for her safety and your relationship at the same time.


Just talk to her, that will make you feel better. She hasn't given you any reason to not trust her. Besides, if you do lose her to one of these guys, then thats just what is meant to happen. Have you ever hung out around these guys with her? That might make you feel better too.

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