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Broke up and Seeing someone else

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I was with my girlfriend for two years. She broke up wtih me a week and a half ago. She's been goin out and she told me she slept over this guy's house. She pretended it wasn't in the same bed but I know she's a liar.


They've been goin to the movies together and things like that. This hurts me deeply and makes me intensely angry.


She said she doesn't want to have a relationship for about a year. Like she's confused about being with me and about what she wants. The fact she's already "with" this other guy and I think having sex with leads me to believe she had this all planned out.


Who meets someone in a week and sleeps at their house and does this? She must have had this guy set up before we broke. I need advice and info. How should I feel? Does anyone think this is messed up or wrong?


Why tell me she doesn't want to be with anyone and then do this? Please help....

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When someone tells you they don't want to be with anyone for a while, they don't necessarily mean that. Sometimes they just mean they don't want to be with you. I saw another post (I don't know if it was by you or not) where a guy said that his gf broke up with him because she wanted to be "alone for a year," and I replied the same thing I'm going to say here...that is most likely nonsense. She said that as attempt to ease the blow of the breakup but often times when people say that they're just saying they don't want to be with you and they might soon start seeing someone else...I know this because I have experienced someone telling me something similar only to move on quickly to someone else.

My advice is to stop talking to her...she is telling you about staying over at her bf's house and it is hurting your feelings...you don't need that...kick her out of your life.

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It's just an easyier way of telling you that they don't want to be with you anymore. I hate it because it makes you hope that they will come back, or that they are being truthful. Usally they are not, and have someone else in mind. Which is unfair, because you're left with a broken heart, a false sense of hope, and no one.

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She doesn't want you. Yeah, she was planning to be the other guy. Have no contact with her. She will probaly come back, when she does give her the finger. I bet my money that other guy knew about you. Women usually have some communication before getting into a sexual relationship with someone, unless it is a one night thing. I would imagine that she knew him for some time, and he sweet talked her.

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