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Did I do something wrong?


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I could really use some advice. In September of 2016 I started dating this man. I really liked him and he seemed to like me. But one day towards the end of October of 2017, he started acting weird and said he wanted to date people older than me. I was kind of mad but didn't bring it up until a week later. When I told him it bothered me he kind of blew it off. I told him I was going to chase or beg him for his time because he had been blowing me off. He got mad and said he would stop texting me and seeing me all together. It hurt really bad. I tried calling texting nothing works. Then in January 2017 I saw he was in a relationship and as of now he is still with her. The thing that gets me is she is not older but actually younger than me. At this point I need advice. Was it my fault for what happened? Is it normal that I still can't stop thinking about him after it happened five months ago? I just need some way to get closure and move on

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I think he was pretty straight up with you and told you he doesn't want to date you. He might of made up a lame excuse just to have a reason. The only thing you did wrong was the fact that you keep calling and texting him after he told you he wants to date other people.


Stop over analyzing it, take it for what it is. I understand it hurts because you have feelings for this man. It's just not meant to be. Don't contact him any more and move on.

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