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Am I weird for feeling this way ?


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27F and I currently have absolutely zero interest in dating. I don't want to go online sites, I don't want to talk to any guys. All of the recent dates I went on were decent like good looking guys and nice but I just want nothing to do with them. I just want to do what makes me happy and stop worrying about finding someone. But a lot of people tell me I should hurry up and settle down at my age, so I feel like I'm weird and there is something wrong with me for feeling this way ? But there is nothing I want more in this world but to be doing the things that make me happy instead of trying to find someone. Any thoughts ? And I am quite outgoing, I play on multiple Co ed sports teams and am going backpacking to SE Asia next month, so by doing things that make me happy I don't just mean staying at home.

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Yeah I know it's a silly question. But seriously i get so much slack from my coworkers about being single it almost makes me question my own judgement


Doesn't sound like a "dark soul" to me, else you wouldn't give a damn what your co-workers say or think about how you're living your life. Stop worrying about how other people view your life, and just enjoy living as you see fit. It might also be best to not have it be a part of any discussion (you have control over that).

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"But a lot of people tell me I should hurry up and settle down at my age"


Another way of looking at what this lot of people is saying: You need to rush into a relationship soon, get married, and start having children like everyone else, even if you don't feel like it's the right thing for you.

Do you see a problem with that? Because I do.

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