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I'm an 18-year-old woman and I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual. I've told my close friends and family about this, but I don't make a big deal of it, mainly because I've never had a same-sex relationship, although I've had a couple of serious boyfriends. I'm as attracted to women as to men but I have no idea how to go about approaching women I fancy or how to tell if a woman is gay or bi! I feel like a whole section of my personality is being frustrated. I'd really like advice on this.

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Im 14 and bisexual. Sometimes i fool around with close friends or if im interusted in a girl i ask her if shes bi but just a question in genrale. If she is then i flirt with her and so on and if she isnt then i dont make a big deal or act werid because then it would give it away. Ive only had one realationship with a girl and she was my bestfriend but i have been attracted to girls. Try to not be ashamed of ur self theres nothing wrong with you!!!! Just try to play it cool when you ask a girl if shes bi and if shes not then shake it off. Try asking close friends at first if they wanna fool around or date... because then you might start to feel more confterble about it. Hope I helped

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hey there, I have the exact same problem, the truth is there is no great way that you can approach it, whatever way you approach it, it ould end in pain or happiness. I usually get too scared to ask people whether there bi coz it probs wud give it away that i am...but if u really think about it..y wud it give it away that u urself are bi. just slip it into a normal convo, act really casual about it.

Um i know thats rubbish advice lol, but i myself wish i knew the answer to that question


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hey, seems most ppl have this problem. i do to but dont really worry about it. personally, i wouldnt just throw " are you bisexual?" into a general conversation. i'd go around it, i'd probably start talking about what would be the most "bizarre thing shes ever done when shes drunk? let her answer if she asks you back, tell her you've hooked up with a girl or some thing along those lines. that leave you the chance to ask her if shes ever done it. then you have a whole conversation that you could ask her if she liked it? how she felt about it? that way you could just figure out if she is bisexual or not without even asking her. i know the whole "lesbian stuff while your drunk" seems like an immature thing to ask, but it works.

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