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Girls now think I'm weird and awkward


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I am in high school, and I had many friends that are female (or so I thought). I always acted as if them and their friends were my friends as well, but never did it really occur to me that they didn't feel the same way. I used to ask for funny pictures that they would take of each other, and text them a lot, but slowly I got the impression that they thought I was a weirdo/creep. I realize now how strangely and awkwardly I've behaved toward them, especially because I don't really interact with them in real life. I just found out that all the girls gossip about me and think I'm annoying and weird. What can I do to improve my situation?

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Be careful of generalizations. There may be some girls who think you are a weirdo/creep, but everyone? That seems extreme. Keep in mind that the way people see you isn't the way you are. The fact that you made this post tells me that you are very self-aware. That's a great skill, the foundational skill for any kind of life change.


The way forward seems clear. Change your approach, but don't beat yourself up. Use the knowledge you've gained to be better in the future, but don't be ashamed of who you've been or who you are.

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Can you please elaborate on what they are evidently gossiping about that makes them deem you 'weird' and 'awkward?'


I'm sorry that you're feeling off put by this abrupt feedback. I think that it's good you are trying to be self-aware and ensure that you are representing yourself appropriately. However, I am not sure how much stock you should put into a gaggle of girls in high school nattering amidst themselves, especially when they're not forthright or considerate enough to communicate their thoughts to you, directly. Perhaps a sort of unkind mob-mentality has fostered this sudden and possibly disproportionate backlash.


Hang in, OP.

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Ok revamp your image inside and out. Work out, get a new haircut and clothes. Smile, say hi to everyone, be friendly and make some small talk.


Act confident. Get involved in popular school activities, sports clubs groups organisations. Be the interesting guy. Don't lurk around on social media unless a girl invites you to follow or friend. Even then, don't like or comment on social media too much.


Don't ask girls for pictures or send them it's creepy. Just post pics on your social media that are tasteful, confident and interesting.


You have to interact in real life. If you are shy do the above things to slowly get involved and improve social skills.

I used to ask for funny pictures that they would take of each other, and text them a lot, but slowly I got the impression that they thought I was a weirdo/creep. I don't really interact with them in real life. I just found out that all the girls gossip about me and think I'm annoying and weird. What can I do to improve my situation?
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