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I'm still not over my ex.


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I'm still not over my ex. It's been about 8 months since we broke up he ignored me for the 8 months of me trying to get him to speak to me. I did annoy him a little bit because I kept trying. He finally answered me Saturday said he was so hurt by how I treated him that he needed to break it off. I asked if we had a chance of getting back together he told me he's still hurt he hasn't been able to get how I treated him out of his head. I didn't contact him at all yesterday and plan not to for a while. He told me maybe down the road he could get over it but not to get my hopes up. I really don't know how to get over him. I've tried I'm talking to anew guy but the feelings are not there like they were with him. I miss him so much. Should I continue to try to get back with him or leave it be?

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Unfortunately you can't "get someone back" who doesn't want to be back. Don't get strung along by soft breakups. It's best to pull your self respect together and let go and move forward with the new guy.

He finally answered me Saturday said he was so hurt by how I treated him that he needed to break it off. I asked if we had a chance of getting back together he told me he's still hurt he hasn't been able to get how I treated him out of his head.
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