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when is it usually the best time to ask a girl what her

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personality is like?




Is it something where you'll eventually see for yourself once you hang out with her more? (in other words, the question "What's your personality like?" doesn't have to be asked)


Also, I am going to volunteer with a girl tomorrow and I plan to take it easy yet I want to show her a couple of things:


That I'm an OK, interesting guy to get to know.

That I'm a positive person (well, most of the time) who could make someone laugh..or at least smile. (i feel pressured to do this!)

That I can be someone whom she'll keep in contact with..because sometimes you might meet someone who's witty, good looking and then unintentionally forget about them a week later.


What's the best way to prepare for this? We already have several things in common between us..that is established, but also college.

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Well dude firstly you dotn ask a girl what her personality is just because it would be a tad freaky. You will find that she will show you what her personality is like as you get closer to her and she trusts you.


As far as your agenda for when you are with her try not to go out there with too much pre-planned stuff in mind it causes you to be tense as there is too much stuff on your mind. Go there by all means with goals to get out of it but dont get to wound up in them.

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Dont plan it so much. That's scary, but kinda sweet. Look people get to know eachother as they spend time together right. So, spend time with her. Dont ask her what her personality is. No. Spend time with her, then she'll get to know you (be yourself) and you'll get to know here. If you spend time with her (not non stop btw just hang out i.e. watch move in your or her room, go for a meal, walk) she'll see your not gonna forget about her. Be friends first. Then see what happens. You'll either click or you wont. Just go with the flow. Dont plan.

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I say start hanging out with her. See what makes her laugh, what makes her mad and even what makes her cry. Not that you even would have to be watching her all the time... just see how she reacts in situations. Instead of asking her what her personality is like ask her what she's into or what she would do in a certain situation. Maybe tell her a joke and see how she responds.

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