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I just need to vent right now cause I'm about to be sick over what I saw today and I don't know how to make myself feel better.


I was downtown today at school and had an hour or two to waste before my next class. Seeing as it was such a nice day outside figured it would be a good idea to take a walk. I went for my walk, got some tea, talked with my sister for a bit then slowly made my way back to school. On my way there I saw something that has made me feel ill and completely astonished by its "flukiness." As I crossed the pedestrian walk there in front of me was my ex-boyfriend who broke up with me just over a month ago. There he was walking towards me with another GIRL, walking hand in hand He saw me, quickly looked away and veered to his right to try and avoid me. I felt SO sick to my stomach and just felt like running and crying. I ran to a washroom in the mall and just did a "seething dance", crying, trying to collect my thoughts over what I just saw.


I don't know why,out of ALL the places he could have been today, (and especially because he doesn't like downtown and lives out of the city) I had to run into him at that very second. I feel like it happened for a reason but I just don't know why and sadly hours later it's still been a great source of anxiety for me. Does anyone know why I feel this way even though I really don't want to be with him anymore? And how to I help make myself feel better?

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i know when i went through this with my ex i didn't believe that he should be going out with someone else. i felt that way for many different reasons, but the biggest one that made me sick was that it didn't seem to be fair, he hurt me but now instead of me having someone to treat me better, he is going out with someone. i was afraid he was gonna treat other girls the same as me. it made me sick, i couldn't eat. i know how you feel but you need to just understand that you don't want to be with him and understand he is trying to move one just like you, even if you don't think it is fair. it is his new g/f problem now not yours. but also remember the karma, wether it be good or bad he will get what he deserves just as you will. try spending time going out with your friends flirt with guys and such, you will feel better in no time.

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Well what you saw today and so soon after your breakup would have been a shock to anybody, so your reactions are natural. The best way I know of getting over somebody is to completely get them out of your life through no contact. There are situations, like yours, where NC doesn't quite work, but on the whole it will help you get over him.



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