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What Went Wrong? Please Help

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Alright I asked out this girl to the movies today. Well yesturday I told her I had a question and she tried to get it out of me and I told her to wait for tomorrow. So today we get in their and she was flirting real bad with me. Asked me tons of questions what I am doing on spring break etc... Then she perposly fell out of her chair and grabed on to me. So then 10 mins left of class I said I had a question to ask her, so she said yes and I said well would you like to go to the movies with me. She said "You already know the answer" So I said no I dont yes or no? She said you already know the answer again. And I said no once again. And she said pretend you did not ask that. I said why? And she said ill talk to you after spring break and have fun ski diving. So what was this did I ask it wrong, Should I give up? What does "You already know the answer" mean? Should I call her? Btw this girl flirts with me everyday and shows interest in me but how did it go wrong? Was she ready?

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alright so heres what i think. .. If she didn't wanna go out with you to the movie she would have made up some excuse and dodged it.

she was still flirting with you, she flirts with you everyday and that was just another way of draging on the question and messing with you a little.

trust me when i say most girls wouldn't say that to a guy who just asked them out unless they where pretty darn sure you would get yes out of that answer.

see ya,

love Qtpie87

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Ahhh, dude you should have said "Well I'll take that as a yes, 7:00 a good time or do you need more time to preen yourself for me?" lol. It was obviously yes, the answer was right there! You even said "well she was flirting with me real bad"...well what the hell do you think that's supposed to mean? Is flirting negative? No, so it was a yes the whole time..well you screwed it up. I mean just for going out during spring break or today, or whatever. You still have a chance though...when she was teasing you you should've done something!

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I would have said (if i were in your situation), "I'll pick you up a 7:00." She would then know that you're serious and wouldn't really play games.


Uhhhhhhh.... I think she is trying to be coy but by pushing a joke too long she ended up sounding stupid, but the above idea by another poster is a good way to get a more direct answer out of her.


Good luck!

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Dang, When she said that I was thinking to me self what does that mean..... Yeah I should of said something like "Pick you up at 7:00" But I did not think twice about it. When she comes back from spring break like wensday I am going to call her and tell her would that be a good idea? And do I still got chances with her?




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Yeah, you still have a chance. I think (some women back me up here) that it'd be ok if you told her. "Yeah I couldn't really figure out what you meant at the moment when you told me that I already know the answer". But yeah, talk about it whenever she gets back from Spring break vacation. Or when it ends, whatever. Just don't be nervous about it. I mean sure you will be nervous don't make it too obvious with fidgeting and all the easy tell signs, women read our body language better than anyone.

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