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How can a woman be so Heartless ](*,)

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](*,)I just broke up with my gf we have been dating for 6 1/2 years engaged for 2 years and we have been living together for about 5 1/2 years. I lost my job 6 month ago i was home for that time i got unemployment checks and when it stops about 2 weeks befor everything started .

Just 2-3 weeks ago out of the blue she came up to me and said (I need space we need a time apart for 6 month and it's gona be a open relationship separation) and i just kind of freaked out so i said no way and she said stop being a bum so i went out and got a $17hr night job 10pm-7am in n.j and we lived in brooklyn so i hade only 1-2 hr to see her after she come back from school not soon after that she avoids me for a week and i just tould her i cant take this any more we gona have have to fix this of breakup and she said ok breakup then and we did ever sense after that i cant eat/sleep/work i dont know how long i can go on like this so i went to her school just 2 days ago and she said she still love me but she cant stand looking at me with out getting mad/hate me so she tould me we need to go and talk friday night/tonight and she tould me(If you can put up with my demands we might be back together in time)

all i have been doing is drinking and smoking, for the pass 2 days.

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First off, stop the drinking and smoking, it'll clear your mind, so you can think clearly.

Secondly, what was it she demanded? I'd think from your reaction it must have been something bad, but I can't help you much without knowing that, you know?

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I was in a similar situation, but in the position of your ex. My b/f lost his job, he wasn't being a bum by any stretch, but he kept losing one job after another, bad luck. Anyway during that time it was very hard for me to think about moving forward -towards marriage- with someone who couldn't hold on to a job. That might sound mean but I have a little girl to think about, and at the time I was supporting both of them on meager salary. Anyway he got a great job and has had it now for a year, but that time was hard.

Hope that makes sense.

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yea me too i just got back the job i was fired from 6 month ago now im making $40k a year and all benefits 401k. when i tould her this she said (so i dont care i dont want to hear it!) it really hurts alot each and everytime she say a thing like that and i think she might have some one else line up or maybe shes already going out with someone becuse how can any one turn from love to hate in a day maybe i miss all the signs but at lease tell me ahead of time so i can change or work out something she dont have too make it in to a brakeup or a open sparation that's just fare =(

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The thing to do is not to worry overmuch before you see her, because all your fears may be unfounded, she may just be scared. But don't go willing to do anything just to get her back, because if her demands are too outrageous, then there's something else probably going on that only the two of you can work out together.

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