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I just can't talk to guys! Please give advice!

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All of my life I've been really shy. I really want a boyfriend, not to say that I have a boyfriend and flaunt him around and crap, I want someone to lean on and support me and vice-versa.


But, I can't approach or talk to guys at all. Whenever I want to say something I just shy away with it because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me. I'm just really insecure when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm also not what you'd call pretty and that just makes my insecurities worse.


Should I worry so much about what they think? How can I get over my insecurities? How can I learn to talk to guys? Please help me!

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Talking to guys is really easy. Just be yourself when talking. It might be about anything (school work, events, ideas) Just strike up a conversation.


Some guys however are real jerks and wont carry a conversation. If a guy hints to you that he doesnt want to continue the conversation, stop and avoid an interaction with him in the future. (Try a few times though, since we might be having a bad day )


We like to laugh alot so if you have a good sense of humour or any good joke is a good start for conversation.


Personally, I would find that carrying a conversation with girls is extremely more difficult, but i guess it's enevitable in our positions in life, for the both of us.


Don't become obsessed with wanting a boyfriend, it could start spreading rumours around school. (Trust me, I know a girl who underwent the same situation)


Just relax and remember to smile alot

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There's an old saying....if you really want a guy you won't get one. When you don't want a guy you'll get a lot of them. And it's true!! What's the catch? Being needy. Needy and clingy people scare others away. Looks matter, but so does confidence and other qualities. EVERYONE has insecurities. Some have more than others. BUT, if you can believe in yourself and walk with confidence like someone worth knowing, you will attract people in general.


Do you have close girlfriends? Are you close with your family? Every relationship matters.


Stop worrying about what guys think. Guys are usually just as worried about what girls are thinking when the talking gets going. Just say what comes to mind and if you feel a bad connection, move on.


Happiness doesn't come from men, and it doesn't come from being in a relationship. Search within yourself! You have every thing you need to feel whole happy and complete right now.


Most important...Be yourself and and work on feeling secure, happy, and complete single. If you can't feel complete alone, your relationships won't work in the long run.

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Hey girl!

Anyway you know what? I used to have that problem too. Since Im not exactly the most popular girl (but fortunatley not the nerdiest) I just started out talking to the average-popularity guys. I just found something mild to talk about, like the math exam, then kept the convo flowing. Just be yourself...the guys will love you!



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yes im totaly antisocial, i just go on life and try not to get any attention...


Its ironic how we, boys and girls, are so nervious, and sometimes u just dont get ur thoughts aout and nothing happens....


just think, he is also nervious, and if u get it out u both will not be, and it will go good... 8)

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