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What does this mean?

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The girl that i have loved for the last couple months said something to me very odd the other day. We had just got done with supper and we were alone, I had said i love you to her 3 or 4 times already that night and like always she said it right back. Then after dinner i said i love you again and she said i love you too, but then she asked why i said i love you so much. I said "because that is the way i feel about you" Then she asked me if i needed to hear it from her because my parents don't say it and stuff like that. I said "no i just like saying it to you" after that we really didn't talk about it anymore, until later that night when i was talking to her online and she said "i love you" too me and i said "i love you too" and right after that she said "you know that i mean that right." i said that i did know it and i said that i love her to. She then said I truly do love you.


So my question is what is the deal with right after supper, am i saying "i love you" to her too much, or am i just making to big of a deal out of this?


Any tips out there?

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Yeah i think sometimes it gets questioned if it is said too much. Like an ex of mine would never say "see you" at the end of a phone call or if I was heading off to work..it was always "love you" so it sort of just became a substitute for "see you"...God can anyone make sense of that?


Anyway, maybe that's what your g/f is saying..are you just saying it or do you mean it.

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My parents said it to me all the time too, and later in life I found out that my grandma didnt say it to my dad, which made him want to say it to me and my brother even more. Just a thought.


And try this maybe, because I love to hear I love you, but I also like to see "I love you" meaning without the words, with actions.


And I am sorry about asking you about your parents loving you I was just making a joke, I think sometimes I am the only one who really thinks that I am all that funny.


it was always "love you" so it sort of just became a substitute for "see you


Thats what me and my dad say too at the end of conversations, he says just incase something ever happened to either of us, the last words to eachother would be "I Love You"

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well richgabe i have never told anyone that i loved them before my girlfriend, and it is something that when i say it i mean it everytime. I just love spending time with her when ever i can. I can feel great just walking down the hall way, but when i see her nothing else matters. I feel 100% better no matter how good i already felt. so to answer your question i do mean i love you when i say "i love you" to her.


p.s. i also so goodbye at the end of a phone call or instant message

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thanks richgabe, i know that im only 18 but i didn't think i could be this happy with anyone i would meet, i always hoped that i would find someone like her but i didn't want to get hurt, because i have been hurt before. she is the same way she never thought she would find someone.

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I agree with DN.


The power of the 3 simple words should not be diluted with frivolous usage. Otherwise, it just becomes meaningless.


Now, instead of saying that so often, how about you DO something to show you love her? Something sweet, romantic or loving?


There are many many ways of showing or saying those three words. Get creative, let your heart guide you.




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discordant_verse, i do things that are sweet, and romantic as much as i can, she is really my first girlfriend, except middle school girlfriends but all i did was walk them to class, so i don't know a whole lot of things to do, i did take her out for chinese on our 2 month anniversary because she loves chinese and things like that all the time

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twelve how do you think i could push her away when i say "i love you" too much. Maybe its just me but i don't see how that could be a bad thing?


I don't mean to sound harsh as I am trying to help, but being blunt is often the best help.

It is too full on.

Maybe after three years of being together but not now.

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