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Her friends are making want to take a break.....

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My girlfriend and I have been together now for a little over 2 years. I can honestly say we have only really argued like 3 times in the past 2 years. Lately her best friend broke up with her b/f whom she had dated for about the same length as us. Well her friend started talking about how much fun it is being single again and my g/f wants to take a brek because of this. This is not the first time either, she also has another friend that cannot do much more than mess around with guys that has also tried persuaying her to "take a break" from me. How can I convince my g/f that its not a great idea? Also she seems to have a problem not knowing if other guys find her attractive, why this matters, i dont know, but I tell her all the time she is beautiful.

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I was in a similar situation in college. I had been dating my boyfriend for 3 years and suddenly all my girlfriends were single, and all I could do was watch the fun they were having. I loved my boyfriend, but the fun of something new is hard to compare to. You probably know that yourself. After a longer relationship, some of the fun leaves.


I took the break ... and that eventually led to a breakup. But I can tell you the only thing that may have helped that not happen - he would have had to REALLY spice things back up in the relationship. I don't know how outwardly you show how much you like her already .... but do it more. Don't just say the break is a bad idea. Keep quiet and show her how fun you two can be. Go out WITH her and her friends and have a good time. Surprise her with shows of affection. Plan a romantic weekend trip. Give her things to brag to her friends about how great you are that will rival all the 'fun' her friends are having...

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take her out to dinner

get her something little and be like "i just saw this and thought you'd like it"

a single flower

spice it up in the bedroom - make one night all about her

tell her over and over and over how beautiful she is

when you catch her eye, smile

smell great

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It sounds like she's not really sure what she wants. If she is easily persueded by her friends then I don't think that you can really convince her of anything. Your both still young and maybe she doesn't want a relationship like you want. If you havn't already maybe the two of you should sit down and get it out what you want out of this relationship and what you expect of each other and also who is in control of this relationship, the two of you or those on the outside looking in wishing they had what the two of you have (her friends). Remember misery loves company.

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yea, her friends always make the "I wish i had a b/f like him" comments to her a lot. She is not easily persuaded, it just makes her start thinking about stuff and she ends up wanting it more i think. The whole goal i want to accomplish is keep her occupied enough so she wont or wont want to think about it.

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