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girl in class is using me and i want somethin in return..

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i guess this isn't really an asking out for a date situation. 2 make a long story short, there this cute girl that looked as if she was kind of checkin me out the first day of class. i talked to her after the second day of class and she told me she was engaged. (she's only 18!) we talked for a few after that and after each class since then. we give each other a hug and kiss on the cheek b4 leavin, so thats cool. buying the $125 (yes, $125) textbook is necessary to do good in this class and she don't have one. she mighta been thinkin "why buy one when i can use his". after class last week, she got up real close to me and said in a sweet voice, "i have a favor to ask. can i borrow your book?" so then i knew that using my book was her plan all along bein that she's the only one without it. i said let me think about it. later that week, she text messaged me and instead of sayin "hi", asked if she could use the book. then, i asked if she'd be willin to make a deal. she said "deal? u mean, meet up?" i knew she had a man, but just 4 the hell of it, i said in a joking way that i'll lend her the book if i can get a kiss. she said "i can't. i'm engaged." i said "i know, i'm just playin, but i am gonna think of somethin tho." she laughed and said ok, then i said i can copy the pages for her at the library, and even tho she said ok, i didn't hear from her till 2day. she asked if i wanna work on the paper 2gether with her this week. i was thinkin, don't she just want the pages. then i realized that on the last paper we had to do, i got an A- and she got a C, so not only is she using me for my book, but also to help with the paper since i got a better grade. what sucks is that it's a win-win situation for her and i'm gettin absolutely nothin out of this. i like helpin people out and i've done that many times, but not when they deliberately don't do somethin like not buy an expensive book b/c they know they can sweet talk me to use mine. and the teacher knows that we talk good, so i'm afraid that if her paper is too similar to mine, we're both gonna fail. what do y'all think i should do? i wish i could get a kiss. lol. but if any of y'all think i should try and get somethin in return, what should it be? thanks...

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I think you should find a new girl - one who is not engaged and HAS a texbook! dude, she's playing you, and not even in the way you want to get played! Think of it this way - if she had $125, she wouldn't even be talking to you.


Tell her to go to link removed, or link removed, which all have lower priced textbooks.

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i wish i could get a kiss.

If the only thing you're getting out of this is getting the chance to wish for a kiss from her, then you're being used. Completely, utterly being used. I don't know how you could think that you're going to get something in return here. You're giving her everything she wants and getting nothing in return. Why should she change what she's doing?

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this brought a story I remember from when I was in college: A friend of mine was a history TA and he told me this. He was grading papers and afterwards, he was having a convo with the other TA for the class about the papers. My friend said, "Wow - this one person turned in this very interesting paper - it had a very unique point of view." The other TA said - "wow - someone turned in a paper to me on that same topic!" And then, when they compared the papers, they saw that two were exactly the same!


So, they called in the two people separately. One was this really geeky, shy guy with tons of acne, but he was super smart. The other was this hot blonde who was a really bad student. Upon questioning by the prof, the truth came out quickly.


The girl approached the geeky guy and said, "hey - have you finished the paper?" he said yes. She said, can I take a look at it, you know, so I can get an idea on a topic I should write about? He said sure, and she gave him back his paper 10 minutes later. It turns out that she photocopied his paper, and whited out his name and turned the paper in as her own.


The girl got suspended for a term. The guy was let off the hook, because it was pretty easy to see, he was just a shmuck.

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