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Feel like I lost Physical attraction for girlfriend !Help!


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I don't know how to explain it without feeling horrible. My girlfriend of nearly two years is still the most important person in my life. I think she is the only reason why I get through each day, considering how bad they can go at times. We have a wonderful mental connection. We are both different and like what the other can add to the relationship. However, recently I have started to lose my physical attraction to her. I don't know why, considering things were just fine only a few weeks ago. I just don't seem to be attracted to her anymore. I don't know what to do about it, however, I am almost sure she knows. I just can't add anything to our physical relationship and I feel helpless to fix it. We have tried things, it just isn't working. I think she grew comfortable in our relationship and stopped being the girl I met, plus with the weight she has gained I just don't feel like she is the same person. I know looks shouldn't play a large part in our relationship, but I know they mean something. She said she still likes that I do the things I did to look my best, it's just that every once in a while I would like her to do what I do for her, try and look one's best.

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I see where your coming from. This happeneds to a lot of couples. Including me...I don't even have a bf right now because im so stuck on looks.. No but i think what yall should do is rekindle yalls relationship.


What i would do..Which may not be the right thing is...tell them straight up that they need to start taking care of themselves. Also something good to do is to take some time away from eachother. The next tim eu see her she should have got the idea and fancied up some.., But she can either take that as some advice or a rude comment or Straight Insult...


Thats my input on this situation...


Pm me!

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It isn't like her appearance is the foundation of our relationship, it just is something that has bothered me and as far as I am concerned there is no way to bring it up. However, shoe on the other foot, I would like to be told that I am just not taking care of myself. Though, I do hope to bring it up and find a way to fix things so that we can grow as a couple. I in no way want to throw in the towel, I just want to tell her we ,yes "we", should face it proactively and find a way to tackle it. I even mentioned her going to the gym when I go because it has always been a problem for her, she has never been happy with herself, I just tell her I am here to help her with what ever she needs. I lift often and have for years and she can't afford to go to a gym so I always tell her to take advantage of my equipement whenever she wants. Yet, she hardly seems to try. So for christmas she wanted her own stuff, so I bought her all the Pilates stuff she wanted. However, all I think it does is collect dust. Now I wonder if it is her lack of motovation that bothers me more than anything else. Because atleast when she trys it makes me feel good and I like to think it helps make her feel better about herself. It makes me proud of her and I don't know how to tell her without upsetting her.

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yikes.... and i was about to suggest taking her along to the gym. Well if she is not willing to pay for the gym, my suggestion is why not just work out home with her... those pilates she wanted so bad. Pull them out and work out together.

As of working out together you don't need a gym that, go out running together, or choose a fun and enjoyable sport that you both like and get together with friends to play. Personally, my next girlfriend had best like playing tennis! ! or some other fun sport... anyway, I like motivation for exercice too but the thing is if you make it fun, it gets easier... So pull your friends, her friends, throw a volleyball or a soccer game, something that everyone can enjoy and yet end up knocked out tired.


If that does not work...


You can give her the most motivational speech you can make up on why exercice is utterly necessary for her...


If that does not work....






honesty might work, oh it will be ugly... but hmm... maybe she will change a bit.

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It takes a lot of patience to go the indirect route, like you are attempting to do with her, and there is no real reason for her to change is there?


You need to act differently with her when she exercises. Don't expect her to do it on her own.


Make things more fun and exciting for her when she does any physical activity.


Tell her positive stories about people at the gym, dont say anything that she can say, well he is only going to laugh at me, so why should I try?


Make her life more interesting and exciting by loving her more.

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