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The relationship was all good in the beginning no need to go into details how it was because it was good. But then there is the ending of it. She left me because of her religion. She is Seventh Day Adventist and I'm just a regular Christian. I would have never left her because of this but she said she felt she was doing wrong by dating me( Unequally yoked and all that jazz..)

I hurt for a really long time; we went through our "Lets get back together phase". I worked for a little while then the crap started again. So then we finally broke it off. She said that she still wanted to be friends. One thing that always stood in my mind is, after being together for 8 months, I can't just be your friend I LOVE YOU.

So I did all the nice things, they never worked. Heck on Valentines day I went out my way to get her something. She called and gave me this weak, I love you and all. Even on Christmas she forgot to get me something. I made sure she got something. So finally after all that I finally said you know what I just need to get away. I feel like I'm hurting myself.

You see her family still liked me and all but I said just going over there hurt because I feel as though it's in vein , in a way. I can't sit there and ignore the fact that I love you and pretend to just be your friend.

It's going on three weeks now, and I've been doing the NC thing. I've been making it and it's hard. I see people with their bf and gf's. My friend talks about his girlfriend sometimes. It hurts and I made my life suffer because I wanted something that I can't make happen. I wanted her to be with me.

I came to myself now and said if she really wants me she will let me know. If she wants to talk to me she will make her self available. None of this BS about not having enough time etc. There is always a way to make time period. I noticed though, as TIME goes on, you slowly begin to forget about the feeling and let it go. You start doing things without thinking about that person. You don't pay attention and check the phone for messages.

All I know is that I loved her and she said she still loves me but I have not talked to her in 3 weeks now. I'm not going to GO TO HER, like I did in the past. She has to come to me and let me know.


I just wanted to share that and see if you guys have any input on the matter. I've done many other things for this girl, if your interested in knowing just let me know.

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Hi, I can sympathize with both of you having such different religious backgrounds. My ex-boyfriend was brought up Mormon and I was baptized Catholic. Even though neither of us are active in either of our churches, there is still HUGE fundamental differences between us. Luckily, her family still liked you in spite of that. I was shunned and ignored. It's hard to over-come such huge differences like this but as they say, "Love can conquer ANTHING" and I'm still a huge believer in that. So, that in itself, as long as there is compromise, could be worked through. What you need to realize is that she is not treating you right. If you love someone and are thinking about them, you probably would not forget to get them something special for Christmas. If she cared about you she would have contacted you by now. And I know you said she called you with a "weak I love you" but keep in mind, actions speak louder than words. I remember a saying that if a person truly loved another person they would move mountains to be with that person. That is a far cry from not having enough time to call you, right? Be strong, you'll get through this, love her, miss her - let yourself hurt and then slowly begin to heal. There is a person out there who will return your love the way you deserve it, and then you can look back on this failed relationship with fondness, because this is the road you had to travel to get to where you are happy =) Chin up, it gets better!!! I'm right here in the same boat with you!

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Thanks for your reply. It is good to know that unfortunately someone is going through what you are. I guess I have been getting treated pretty bad now that I think about it. Who doesnt have time to get someone the love something for christmass?

All I know is the NC thing is the way it has to be unless SHE comes to me. I found my self worth so to speak. Sad I used to write her poetry , girl and even my teacher would tell me the works are excellent and she would just look at it like oh... ok thanks....

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4 weeks ago, she asked me if I still loved her, and would not even finish talking to me. I said yes, but she said if I said no she would have left. I dont get it. I dont get her. Maybe a female can explain this to me? Keep in mind I have not talked to her in 3 weeks now.

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Sometimes it is a comforting feeling to know that someone out there loves you, even if you don't return the same feelings... it adds a sense of security like she'll always have someone there if she is feeling alone or whatever... I'm not saying this is what's going on in your case, it's just my female preception on it. Give it space and time, if she returns make sure your getting YOUR needs fulfilled as well as hers... otherwise she'll always be happy and you won't. Hang in there, I'm here if you need to talk it out!!!

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I hope so,


Today one of my buddies spent the night. It really helped me keep my mind off her and study and have some fun etc. But while I was at school, I could not focus and I just went home to study instead. I'm trying to snap back into things but it's still kinda hard. Cant believe I have not talked to the person I loved so much in 4 weeks. What keeps me from calling is reminding myself I'm not her bf anymore and that I want to see if she will do anything.

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This pissed me off today,


I was going on 3 weeks without seeing her"NC" for my personal healing and then a mutual friend of mine brings her along to see me. Nothing serious happened, but I couldnt make eye contact with her. It just pissed me off cause I really did not want to see her today. And then she's just acting like everything all ok we're all buddy buddy friends blah! It was just pissing me off. Trying to act normal around me after three weeks of not even attempting to say anything to me. BLAH!

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