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Ex is coming to a family member event 6


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Hey guys, my ex is coming to my little cousin birthday party. I'm not sure of what to do it's been 2 months since we had contact. Last time he called 3 weeks ago I never answered nor called back. I don't know what to do . Should I dress up and just speak then carry on as if he's not there . I'm super nervous, i really miss him but I am ok alone I'm use to it now. I know I'm gonna melt when I see him good thing I'm stubborn. What would y'all do?

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I would find a relative that I feel really close to, ask for support openly. Then I should glue myself to them, trying to spend time with activities as much as possible. Basically, I would not be alone and try to remain in the kitchen for as long as possible

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Sorry to ask, but is your ex somehow related to you by blood or in-laws? Why in the world would an exbf come to your family events? Yes go and enjoy yourself and your family. Who invited him?

my ex is coming to my little cousin birthday party.I know I'm gonna melt when I see him.
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Agree. Kinda creepy that an exbf goes to kiddie parties at the exgf's family. Even creepier they invited him unless they want to fix her back up with him (and she secretly wants that anyway).

I still find it odd that a grown X would get invited to a little kids birthday party, more odd if X even had the nerve to attend.
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Well it's kinda normal all my exs have still hung around my family until I found someone else. I always friend zone them, but this one I would like to try again I just want to at the right time 2 months doesn't seem long enough to heal and start over.

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No he talks to them every other day. I wouldn't ask them to do that if I was ready I would've preferred somewhere that's quiet and he would've had to make it happen not me or my family. I guess they invited him , they only called and told me he was attending and asked would I feel comfortable.

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Does your family invite all these exes and anyone they can think of to kiddie parties so there will be more gifts? What is the point of such an odd invitation? Is this usual in your culture to invite so many random adults to kids bday parties?

I hope not I don't discuss that with my little cousins
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No they usually don't the only way a ex would know about a event is if I was in contact with them and I mentioned it . But in this case he's in contact with them instead of me so that's why he was invited. I never would've invited him I guess the like him .

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