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So when do i grow the **** up?!?!?


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7 days of nc i did....7 bliddy days and then today my emotions went into overdive, its my sons birthday, and i text the ex I Miss You...Your Voice, Your smile why did i do it? Also how do i get back on track? Im not a child i am a 41 yr old woman who got dumped. Now in the past i have just managed to get over it with no thought really, just plowed on. This time im stuck in some kind of emotional time warp and it sucks. He didnt respondso i have my answer but still im so angry with myself. Why is this time so different?? Single pringle is so much easier.

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Be kind to yourself. No one is at their best when a relationship ends. When we are hurting we do things we regret. You're moving through the stages of grief, and the bargaining stage is the one that makes us want to reach out. Just remind yourself the next time you get the urge to text him that you won't get any satisfaction from him -- it will just make you feel worse. After a breakup, closure is something you have to find on your own -- not by attempting to initiate reconciliation with the ex.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope you can find someone who loves you for you and appreciates what you have to offer.

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it happens! Don't beat yourself up. You get back on track by starting NC over again - back to day 1. Well at least you didn't break it on day 21 and have to start over lol. The next time you want to contact him, text it to a supportive friend instead. There's even a thread on here for text your ex for those times you feel like breaking NC. I'm in my 40s too and sometimes I can't believe I'm going thru this emotional roller coaster. We just have to keep pushing thru.

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Yea it's great to be Single Pringle as long as you don't worry about it, but it seems women are just.. not designed to be Single Pringle : D To the point where it's infuriating. I can't find a Single Pringle. Cuz if she's Single Pringle for more than 8 hours and a half.. someone will know about it, someone will show up.. and she'll not wait to see if there's maybe another option, cuz there's nothing scarier for a woman I guess.. than being Single Pringle. True story. Sad. But true. : }

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Yea it's great to be Single Pringle as long as you don't worry about it, but it seems women are just.. not designed to be Single Pringle : D To the point where it's infuriating. I can't find a Single Pringle. Cuz if she's Single Pringle for more than 8 hours and a half.. someone will know about it, someone will show up.. and she'll not wait to see if there's maybe another option, cuz there's nothing scarier for a woman I guess.. than being Single Pringle. True story. Sad. But true. : }


I have been single for a long time.. thru times in my Life. I guess I am content?

I do NOT want or need to just jump into a relation with the first guy to contact me...


I take my time.. and skip many.


Actually.. dating today sucks. Too much crap gets involved, etc. Emotions can get involved too easily.

I will admit, at this time in my life, i KNOW I dont have much to 'give'... so, I am continuing to take care of myself.

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Rising100......the answer to that question was a nights sleep! I recieved no reply to the text i sent him. He doesnt give a **** so in all honesty...neither should i. Yes this hurts but i am better than all this. Im reading too much into the bull romance of the relationship instead of the cold hard facts of now....which is he dumped me and i need to deal with it xx

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Rising100......the answer to that question was a nights sleep! I recieved no reply to the text i sent him. He doesnt give a **** so in all honesty...neither should i. Yes this hurts but i am better than all this. Im reading too much into the bull romance of the relationship instead of the cold hard facts of now....which is he dumped me and i need to deal with it xx

How long has it been since he ended it?


And yes the best thing is to avoid contact with him.

Try to find joy in the things you enjoyed doing before he came into your life.

Hang in there, sooner or later you will begin to feel better and heal inside.

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Yesterday was 7 days...i know but we do that whole 'crazy' first week right!? If im honest, he is acting the complete and i mean complete opposite to when we were together where we would communicate non stop. Im not a mind reader so have no idea where he is at or even if he has moved on already, that isnt my problem. Yes it hurts and yes i have to accept that. So today i need to go back to day 1 NC and just start getting back to me. If i was the perfect person for him....his words not mine....then his sudden break up is his to deal with. I need to focus on me now i guess and probably delete his number to stop me doing something silly again!!

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Yesterday was 7 days...i know but we do that whole 'crazy' first week right!? If im honest, he is acting the complete and i mean complete opposite to when we were together where we would communicate non stop. Im not a mind reader so have no idea where he is at or even if he has moved on already, that isnt my problem. Yes it hurts and yes i have to accept that. So today i need to go back to day 1 NC and just start getting back to me. If i was the perfect person for him....his words not mine....then his sudden break up is his to deal with. I need to focus on me now i guess and probably delete his number to stop me doing something silly again!!


What? Only 7 days? Damn you are in for a long one.

Some people take like 10 years.

Its gonna take time, better get comfortable with the pain. Yes the pain, I know how it feels.

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Lol thanks for that! 10 years? I will be almost 52 that aint happening! Ive been in a 10 year relationship and that took me 5 years to get over though that was a domestic violence relationship and i had to heal myself significantly which i did. Im hoping to just take this as a 'this was a lovely relationship but it ended because the timing was definitely not right'...im certainly gonna try and not beat myself up as hard as that is right now. I would love our relationship back but from what i have read and learnt.....i cant actually MAKE that happen.

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Lol thanks for that! 10 years? I will be almost 52 that aint happening! Ive been in a 10 year relationship and that took me 5 years to get over though that was a domestic violence relationship and i had to heal myself significantly which i did. Im hoping to just take this as a 'this was a lovely relationship but it ended because the timing was definitely not right'...im certainly gonna try and not beat myself up as hard as that is right now. I would love our relationship back but from what i have read and learnt.....i cant actually MAKE that happen.

True, you cant make someone be with you. You cant make someone LOVE you.

But you can love them and remember them as a special person that came into your life.

Remember people dont belong to us and we must let go sometimes, he wasnt meant for you, thats why it didnt work out. Its his loss, not yours.

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