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to ask or not to ask that is the question


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well theres this girl in my geography class and were friends and i've know her for like 6-7 years and were really good friends. any ways thought a prank this guy found out i liked her and has been telling her and telling me to ask her out. i'm like i don't think shed go out with me.anyways i think she acually may like me she seems to have this thing bout her were u can sorta tell . so 2 questions r there any sign to look for to show she may like me 2 should i ask her out


thanks in advance 8)

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Their are many signs how does she respond to you when you talk? Are their any facial expression you can tell. If you really like her you should just ask her out. You are probly saying oh she wont go out with me or something like that am I right? Well believe in your self more and just ask her out. If you dont ask her out and you really like her your going to regret it and it will eat you up inside for a long time. But asking her out and knowing the answer is the most wonderful thing in the world. So ask her out. And good luck and let us know how it went.

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Ask her out...


Umm...MetallicAguy, for you...I have a very ...very similar story. My senior year I met a girl ...she was like a freshman, but anyways...somehow she developed a crush on me or something. Like a few days after meeting her....every time she would come to me in the halls and talk or at like a football game, she would be ...how do you say...'over' excited. It was so obvious she liked me even tho she wouldn't say it. It came to the point where it annoyed me tho b/c then her friends would try and hang around me and tell me she really liked me. I can't speak for her, but she probably does like you.

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I agree with Ddog, you should just ask her! If you don't you will regret it and you probably don't want to live with that "what if?" for the rest of your life. You say you are already good friends with her, so when you ask her out just offer something really casual but something only you two will go to, like going to the movies.


As for signs, from my own experience, if I like a guy I tend to laugh a lot at his jokes, smile at him a lot, try to keep up conversation and I'd try to be around him a lot (not in a stalkerish way, but just to catch that glimpse of him once in a while...i'm sure other girls know what i'm talkin about).


Even if these signs aren't really there, I still say go for it!! A girl absolutely loves it when a guy takes initiative and asks her out and since you two already get along I'm sure it will work out just fine


And as for MetallicAguy -- yes I do believe that she does like you if she just acts like that around you. It's probably her way of trying to get your attention and keep you interested, so if you do like her too you should do something before she thinks that you aren't that into her!

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