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If she's feels bored just give her time and space , this is good while she's away you guys can have time to think . Surprise her time to time a nice paragraph for her to wake up to . Just little things can brighten a lady's day . When she's back have flowers for her ready, have a nice day planned and make her forget about what she was thinking

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How have you managed to get this posted 3 times ..


anyway ... sadly (for you ) I think she is away having a good time and you have just got left behind ...I did raise my eye brows with this

she feels our relationship has no substance
.....bit selfish , what the hell are you supposed to do when she is there and you are where you are ..I am wondering if she is trying to let go so she can have a good time out there
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What do you guys talk about when you do speak? Perhaps you speak too often, and it feels redundant and like there is nothing much left to say. I have never been in a LDR but this is pretty close to one...and personally I would get bored just texting and skyping and not seeing my partner. But really there's not too much you can do unfortunately, other than try to talk about what you can do to regain interest.

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What do you guys talk about when you do speak? Perhaps you speak too often, and it feels redundant and like there is nothing much left to say. I have never been in a LDR but this is pretty close to one...and personally I would get bored just texting and skyping and not seeing my partner. But really there's not too much you can do unfortunately, other than try to talk about what you can do to regain interest.


Yes, this. When I'm away from my partner for long periods of time our text messages become a string of 'how are you?' 'good, you?' 'I'm good'....pointless emoji to fill the void, You feel like you have to speak to each other all the time even though if you're face to face you don't constantly speak to your partner and say 'how are you?' every five minutes.

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