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I have been dating my best friends brother. We never officially declared our selves boyfriend and girlfriend, but we both really connected. But I am out of state for two months. I need tips on keeping the relationship alive while I am away. I really don't want to lose him. Any advice would be great. He doesn't have a computer or phone so communication is really hard.

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Hi raelynn,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am pleased to hear that you connected so well with the friend that you like so much. I understand that you're going out of state for two months, leaving him behind and that you'd like to stay in contact with him.


With him having no phone or computer, things can be hard indeed. But why not go back to the old fashioned way. Writing letters!! For those that don't know any better than e-mail... *grins*: that's how we communicated in our early days. Personally I find it totally awesome to write cards and letters to the woman that I love. It's a more personal touch, but, sure, it takes a little longer to arrive. My other suggestion is that you give him your phone number, so that he could try to reach you on a payphone. That's pretty much all I can think of.


I hope that this helped you some and I wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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Writing letters/sending cards is great for keeping the fires burning! I used to send photos (naughty ones of me sometimes!! with them so he'd remember what he's missing! I sent him pressed flowers too - roses for Valentines cos then I could fit them in the envelope! aahhhhh!!! The letters were kinda sexy and romantic too - I remember he used to write really lovey slushy stuff to me which he wouldn't be caught dead saying to my face! Guess writing how they really feel on paper is easier than saying it for a lot of guys!

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