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how can i get him to miss/pine for me?


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i am good friends with this guy i really like. i am fed up. i want him to realize how much (i may) mean to him. i guess because we speak every day, he doesn't look at me as a girl or potential romantic partner. how can i turn his head? i am too available for sure. i will be seeing him tonight at a party. any suggestions, guy? be flirty? act aloof? show up with another guy? don't talk to him. do talk to him? help!!!!!

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You don't know how much you mean to him and thereforeeee don't act aloof, show up with another guy or not talk to him. How do yyou expect him to be interested in you if you act not interested in him. Entirely the wrong message.


Talk to him, flirt with him. Let him know you are interested in him as a romantic partner. Touch his arm when you speak, look into his eyes a little longer than usual, laugh at his jokes, when someone else is speaking keep looking at him. Stand close to him(without crowding him). Compliment him on something.

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Interesting that you associate speaking to him everyday with him not seeing you as a romantic partner. So don't talk to him everyday . Talk to him sometimes, when you have time.


I say be yourself at the party and just don't overdo it with the attention you give him. Make sure you spend time with other friends that will be there too, not just him.


Check how he acts around you... does he flirt with you? Does he tease you and joke around a little too much? You want to know if he is somewhat attracted to you before you make any moves.

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