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LOOP and/or LEEP procedure

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Hi, I just had a LOOP/LEEP procedure on Monday, and it was awful. I was in so much pain and to make matters worse, at 3 this morning I got my period. I get terrible cramps and have been crying and in pain since 10 yesterday morning up until about 4 hours ago. I don't want to take a shower, and know I won't want to tomorrow. I'm very close with my boss at work, but is it appropriate to take tomorrow off as well to"rest"? It's not like I'm getting paid for the days off, I just want to know peoples opinions, and if you think they'll be mad at me when I go back.


Has anyone else had one? If so, did it hurt you so terribaly?




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Sure, I think it's appropriate to call your boss and say that you had a procedure done and now you just need to rest. Trust me, no one's going to want you at work anyways if you're not showering and crying all the time....


But, I don't know what a LOOP procedure is. Either way - just tell your boss - I'm sure that he/she won't mind if you take the day off.


Feel better!

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I have had one of these quite a while ago now, and I did not have that much pain or bleeding after, so you may want to call your doctor and verify that this is normal. I know for me the procedure hurt a bit...a few stings, and there was some slight spotting afterwards but I was fine within an hour (no pain or bleeding after that).


But yes, it is okay to take some medical leave from work in this case...but DO call your doctors office asap. You may also need to get a note for your employer depending on office policy.

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FYI - If you are in the U.S., I believe that your employer cannot ask for details of medical conditions due to HIPAA regulations.


You can always ask your doctor for a note excusing you from work. Most doctors' offices are willing to take care of this for you, and I don't know of any employer that would question an abscence with a doctor's note.


Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Thanks for your comments and suggestions...the only reason I ask is because the procedure was done on Monday, I took off Tuesday, and I'm thinking of taking of Wendsay. I am not in too much pain anymore (a lot had to do with the beginning of my HORRENDOUS period, but my job is very high stress and I've have never taken a sick day in my 1 1/2 years there. I was just wondering if it's appropriate, since I probably won't be in much, if any, pain tomorrow. Thanks!

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I had a leep done quite a few years ago and I can still remember the pain. Oh, it was soooo awful, I actually passed out while I was checking out of the doctor's office and had to have my boyfriend come and pick me up. I remember being sore for only a day or two, but I was so afraid to move or do anything to make the pain come back... don't feel bad at all about taking a couple of days off.

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