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anyone else with the same problem?

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Does anyone else find it hard to be interested in girls (or guys)? It seems like every time I meet or see a girl I am never interested at all. I don't know, it's like I have no feeling or something. Like even attractive girls that I see don't even affect me, and that sucks. I mean, I have been offered dates or to come back to their place, etc. and yet I always decline for some reason. Or it might happen that I do go back, and then the next day I feel horrible afterward. I don't understand, this really isn't like me. I used to be interested in girls, but now, I go out and there is nothing there. It's pretty sad seeing everyone else go after girls and me finding a way to always say no. I don't know, I just wish I were interested in them still. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so how did you get over it?

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i truly hope that future posts dont say that you're turning homosexual or something because i dont see that as the case here,


maybe mentally you feel the need to not be in a relationship or you just arent plan ready,...i feel that way lots of times, i see a really cute guy but o dont take an interest as far as wanting to date him.


who knows the reasons for our emotions at times....all i can say is not to worry about too much, maybe god has someone out there for you and he doesnt want your mind to be corrupted with other people, i very religious person, mind you!......dont fret my friend the time will come when it's right

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you are not alone. i am in the sam situation as you are in. but i am attracted to girls. there is something suddenly stopped me. i think that is fear of disloyalty. i think i expect alot from girls but i could not find that much. it may be fear of rejection or disloyalty which stopps you.

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Yeah they may be hot and attractive, but that is only skin deep...I bet its just that they spark your attention, but not enough to spark your interest.


You have got to know what you like in a girl and then that will lead you to an attraction with the "right" kinda lady.

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