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What are her intentions?

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There's this girl in my class that since day one I have noticed paying close attention to me(turning around to look at me, asking me questions she knows the answer to). I could just tell she is interested in me by her body language. I never really had a opportunity to speak with her until she starts sitting next to me as of late. We've spoken a little but only class related topics. So one day I decide to break the ice and ask her for her number after class, she's about to give it to me and at that moment her boyfriend approaches (she tell's me thats her boyfriend) and I tell her bye.


Whats the deal with her? Is she interensted or something else?

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well from a girl's point of view I'd say she is interested in you, otherwise why would she give you her number? But yet she already has boyfriend....that's one confused girl and if i were you i'd stay clear of her..those type of people don't know what they want in another person and relationships with them don't usually last...for example she may be willing to leave her current boyfriend for you, a couple of months roll around and she sees another guy, and you become the dumpee....not good at all..


in a nutshell she's no good for you; if she can't be respectful enough to you and herself to tell you she already has a boyfriend, and yet flirts around with you;.. definitely not worth it, but is your choice to make.....good luck

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i dont know. none of us know this chick personally nor do we know her reasoning behind her giving you her number. i personally wouldnt give out my number if i was involved with someone in a relationship. but thats just me i guess....but the reality of it is that she does have a BF so back off. dont think about her any longer. you have to let it go...if & when they break up, see what her deal is then.



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Thanks for the great advice, I also want to hear from some guys.


I figure I should just forget about her, but I was interested in her before I found out she had a boyfriend. She didnt say anything to me in class today (for whatever reason) so I didnt get to get a better idea of her intentions. I hope she isnt playing mind games with me because thats something I can't respect.

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Women like this lead you on. Or possibly could like you, girls tend to look for new guys or flirt with new guys in a relationship because they can get away with it. lol. Because their girls and if a guy did it, we'd get our *** kicked lol.


If she isn't leading you on if you guys started to hang out a lot and you 2 end up making out she probably doesn't like her bf much. Even if she did do that those women are bad anyway because they cheat.. [sighs] Well, all I think right now is that she is playing mind games with you. You can't respect her lol. I can't respect 'em either. They have no respect to us guys because they lie with their body and their mind to trick into getting something for them then dumping us leaving us pissed off and them satisfied with whatever they used us for.

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Wow, girls like that amaze me!

I would love to have a boyfriend and some girls are lucky enough to have one and still need more!

I think she is interested in you but for all the wrong reasons.

She may not be happy in her relationship for whatever reason...but she is still in it for other reasons too. She may like you for attention purposes, to see if she can still get other guys. Or she may genuinely not care about her boyfriend at all, and in that case you should not go near her.

If she was a respectable girl she would have told you a long time ago that she has a boyfriend. Instead she wasted a lot of your time, thougts, and energy when you could have been looking at some other girls in your class. You deserve better.

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Wow, girls like that amaze me!

I would love to have a boyfriend and some girls are lucky enough to have one and still need more!

I think she is interested in you but for all the wrong reasons.

She may not be happy in her relationship for whatever reason...but she is still in it for other reasons too. She may like you for attention purposes, to see if she can still get other guys. Or she may genuinely not care about her boyfriend at all, and in that case you should not go near her.

If she was a respectable girl she would have told you a long time ago that she has a boyfriend. Instead she wasted a lot of your time, thougts, and energy when you could have been looking at some other girls in your class. You deserve better.


Thanks all


I dont think its an attention thing because I dont really give her mush attention at all. I only approached her after I noticed her trying to become closer with me. I'll see her tomorrow and I hope to learn more.

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