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Kinda a Guy kind of Question: What makes a guy tick?

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I am just wondering what do you consider sexy in women? and what make a guy turns on when she sees women?


Any personality traits, habits, styles, clothings..etc... that guys like in women?




Personality traits: open, flirty, playful, intelligent, mature, can be silly when the occasion calls for it, can be serious when necessary, optimistic, driven, able to motivate others, good sense of self. Knows what she wants and how to get it. Goal oriented. nurturing qualities. Knows how to take care of a guy. Likes being spoiled, but not high maintenance. lol


Clothing/styles: Girly girl who can also be sophisticated when she needs to be, wears lip gloss, nail polish, but not too much other make up. caps on girls are really cute lol.


Physical: Tall, long hair, pretty eyes, nice smile, nice chest, soft hands, neither skinny, nor fat but somwhere in between.

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I am just wondering what do you consider sexy in women? and what make a guy turns on when she sees women?


Any personality traits, habits, styles, clothings..etc... that guys like in women?




your avatar would do!

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I am just wondering what do you consider sexy in women? and what make a guy turns on when she sees women?


Any personality traits, habits, styles, clothings..etc... that guys like in women?




your avator made me tick, but thats because none of those girls is YOU

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I guess this is more or less my dream girl.


Personality traits: Smart, friendly, flirty, generally happy, cuddly, aristic (in any way), fun to be around, not ditsy.


Physical traits: Cute, sultry eyes, long black hair, typical chest, umm... not sure what else right now.

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- Straightened medium length hair (can be blonde or brunette)

- Dark blue eyes (gray)

- Thin, just not anorexically thin. But overall thin is good.

- Baby-ish sounding voice. Not one of those creepy voices though like that really short chick in Poltergeist lol.

- Thin legs- medium legs *NO cellulite*(Girls if you plan on wearing a skirt make sure you use that type of cream stuff to hide it, or do a lot of leg workouts at a workout place.)


Personality traits:

- A girl that can see the inner you. Not one of those girls that are a prep and will only date preps because their too shallow and lazy to go explore and meet cool people out there....I HATE that.

- Humorous that can actually make me laugh.

- A girl that likes to work out, it shows me that they have self-respect for themselves.

- A girl thats talkative. (lol probably can get one of those anywhere)

- A girl who doesn't care if a date is sitting and watching movies at one or the other persons house because she loves you and only wants to be around you she isn't there for the $$ and the spending at the real movies and $ spending at resturants and etc. Golddiggers are a turn-off. Us guys are broke as it is lol. Unless your of course Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

- A girl that doesn't care if your one of those guys that hang with people that don't look like your type of friend (Basketball wigger hanging with a snowboarder).

*Important*- A girl that brings out the kid in yourself. Life is so boring, why would we want to date someone into the same repetitive boring dates? Live a little!, do something out of the ordinary like go play minature golf even if you don't know. And most guys really aren't into chicks who are study-a-holics, all about success.

- A girl that can tease me like I tease her (playfully).


Basically that sums it up.


Oh yeah a few things about clothes

-Abercrombie looks good

-showing of stomach (make sure you have something close to a 6-pack or otherwise you MAY seem unattractive to a guy.

-showing of legs(Cellulite I think looks kinda gross) (like wearing a skirt, any brand doesn't matter.)

-Stuff from Pacsun and stuff is good.

-Chicks that wear beanies usually look hot.

- Tight pants preferably jeans

-Black shirts (humans are more attracted to people with black in the upper torso; scientifically proven.)

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well the main thing physically that really attracts me to a woman is the way they smile. i mean, eyes are a big thing, but for me when a person smiles, it speaks volumes. theres something about a slim (but not anorexic liek metallicaguy said) thats jus hypnotizing.

personality traits : i love talking to a woman with whom i can discuss things on a mature level. i have a love for conversation. someone who laughs when i crack jokes that are funny, and tells me to shut up playfully when they arent. someone who wont take me for granted, because i would never take her for granted. someone who appreciates it when show signs of affection like a random flower, or a poem.


well thats bout it...great...now i feel all depresset bout bein single...

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  • 3 months later...

Personality Traits: Open, flirty, intelligent, playful, can be silly/funny, can be serious, mature, hopeful/optimistic, motivated, kind, caring and driven. That and more makes for a great personality.


Clothing: Fairly girly, but can be sophisticated, not too girly. Reds, blacks and perhaps white make me tick. Not too much make-up, it makes you look like barbie (who I always thought was ugly).


Physical: Tallish, longish hair (below the shoulders, about halfway down the back) blonde with a bit brown mixed in, strawberry blonde is nice too, pretty eyes (browns and greens are quite nice), nice smile, nice chest (but not too chesty, that sucks girls), soft hands, fairly skinny, but not too thin, medium build.

I know its got the longest 'list' but the physical things are less important than the personality.


And I know someone that perfectly fits that description.

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I never actually listed qualities that someone must have in order for me to be attracted to them, but I do see a pattern of traits in the people I've been attracted to. Even if I listed them, though, the next post could possibly be the total opposite. It's all personal preference.


Anyway, my point is, and I'm sure many can relate, when you're attracted to someone it's almost unexplainable. You can be head over heels for someone who has given you a fleeting feeling of hope that they feel the same, and on the other hand have someone who is madly and love with you, and yet you don't love them back. But why? For some reason, the 1st person has something that you are so attracted to, but what is it? If they're both sweet and cute, why when you're with the 2nd person it seems almost like a chore, nothing important about it, just an acception to a friendly invite, but with the first one...you're with them and your mind is swirling and time flies by.


Two points to whoever followed that at all.

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I think men tend to play it by ear rather than have a set list. Men are also MUCH less demanding than they pretend to be.


Personally I could potentially be attracted to anyone. I'll tell you what is a HUGE turn off though...girls who come accross as being emotionally repressed. If you like a guy, show it.

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I think men tend to play it by ear rather than have a set list. Men are also MUCH less demanding than they pretend to be.


Personally I could potentially be attracted to anyone. I'll tell you what is a HUGE turn off though...girls who come accross as being emotionally repressed. If you like a guy, show it.


It depends on how the girl shows it, like recently, I've had a couple girls who I don't feel anything for asking me out, when I haven't given any indication of liking them. I'd much rather be given subtle hints, and go from there. But being asked out ad nauseum is a turn off for guys and girls alike. lol, I'm just beginning to see why so called "nice guys" don't get very far. Well, nice guys can potentially get the girl of their dreams, but not if they're the clingy, needy "nice guy."

I mean guys often complain about how girls are difficult to interpret, but there is a certain essential thrill that lies in the chase. I would like a girl that likes me first, it would be foolish to dismiss someone who shows interest first. But I'm just saying that being too eager never won anyone over. These girls don't even know me all that well...

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I dont think Im hard to please in this area:


1. Very frendly and outgoing, Im a sucker for that one because it makes me feel more comforable. I think any woman can be like this if they like you enough.


2. Not fat, not thin, just inbetween. Preferably taller than me (dont ask me why) with atleast shoulder length hair, prefer dark hair.


3. Mostly someone who accepts me for who I am. I dont feel like id have to change for them to accept me.


4.can and will speak her mind without raising her voice or sounding like shes complaining. (not shy)


Thats what turns me on, if I typed anymore Id would be just being picky.

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none of the traits (short of cleaning and cooking and those type of things) should exceed the guys because us males like to be more dominate funnier, not always smarter a good handy man etc. as for looks some guys like big boobs some like small most like big but im a minority i guess shaved not alot of pubig hairs not taller then him not over doing the make-up atleast half way decent looks longer hair (short hair is a BIG turn off for me) not abnormally large feet or hands or any part of the body (execpt boobs sometimes) abnormally big or small not yellow teeth not really long nails (just get in the way) for me as long as shes half-way decent looking and has a good personality (funny, serious when needed, understanding etc.) then i usually wouldnt turn her down but she has to have a good personality its a MUST for me. and for one more hint dont smoke or drink bad breath good luck if your looking!

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