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Separation and Reconciliation Success Stories

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My wife and I are likely to embark on a separation. For the most part, things are cordial at this point and I am still in love with her and don't want our marriage to end. However, I know for any chance for us to end up together, we will need some time apart. At this point, she doesn't believe we can be happy together. I am not trying to convince her of anything at this point. I am trying to focus on myself, our kids and bringing my best to each day. But I am hopeful, over time, she will see the best in me and choose me for her happiness.


I am looking for any separation/reconciliation success stories out there. What was your situation? What did you do? How did you save your marriage?


I appreciate any and all comments.

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I usually disagree with separation unless someone is taking drugs, etc, and needs to be in rehab or for some reason has to be removed from the home or if you really are divorcing - neither wants to save the marriage and seperation is legally required. If you want to work on your marriage, and you both want to fight for it, being apart for a weekend to clear your head is one thing - leaving the house is another - I recommend if you want to save your marriage, you go to marriage counseling = unless she doesn't want to save it - then there is not much you can do.

You say you want her back - you have her now - now is your chance. Once she walks out the door or you do, she will be used to life without you.

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