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how to flirt with gals


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how do u flirt with a gal ur interested in? i mean this is with a gal classmate or some gal u don't really or hardly now. so what should i say or act or do. i don;t want to come off as a pervert. smiling is good but what else.


any examples. i am talking about lines but not pickup lines. i seen to be really bad at flirting and don't even now how.


i want tell this gal i like by flirting with her. i also don't want her to be my friend, but something more so how can i do that.


i was thinkin- lets say the gal did good on a test i could say "wowo ur smart" or "ur a smart girl hey",

when shes leaving class i could say "oh is ur bf picking u up"-this is said with a smile and eyebrow raises.

if i ask her if she has a bf i could say and she says no i say" why not ur a good looking girl how come u don't have a bf". or if she doesn't have a bf i could say "ah just my luck today"


how are these lines i just said

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Just be your self don't try to act like your someone who your not. Just go up to her and say hey and introduce your self. How to flirt hmm.... Just tell her about your self and let her tell you a bit about her self and just keep talking to her. I find people dont really know they are flirting like they think they are just talking to a girl but your really flirting with them. Any way just be your self like I said and just find something to talk about and just keep talking to her. Good Luck Dude. let us know how it goes

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Ddog187 took the words right out of my mouth. If you don't really know the person then simply say hi and introduce yourself. If you need an opening topic ask her something related to the class you are in, or ask her what other classes shes taking. Just be yourself and don't worry about. The more you think about it and try to come up with a line, the more likely you are to get flustrered and mess things up. As for flirting, it is just natural. You'll find yourself talking with her like normal but to outsiders it appears as flirting. Good luck.

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Just be your self don't try to act like your someone who your not. Just go up to her and say hey and introduce your self. How to flirt hmm.... Just tell her about your self and let her tell you a bit about her self and just keep talking to her. I find people dont really know they are flirting like they think they are just talking to a girl but your really flirting with them. Any way just be your self like I said and just find something to talk about and just keep talking to her. Good Luck Dude. let us know how it goes


very well put. A lot of the time, flirting just kinda works it's way into the conversation.

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I think what works is being curious about them. Of couse if you haven't already, walk right up and introduce yourself to her. Just say something like, "I've been seeing you around, and you seem interesting." Make it short and sweet, turn around and say, "Alright, nice meeting ya. See ya soon!" Make sure you look and smell nice. Next time you get a chance to see her, ask her about herself and maintain that eye contact. Don't ask her if she has a boyfriend, if she does it will come out eventually. Try your best to not make it seem like your interviewing her,(even though in essense you are) make it light and fun conversation by throwing in your thoughts to her responses. I wouldn't talk about myself to much, only to keep her wondering who you really are. If she wants to know, she'll ask. Keeping up the mystery will work wonders. As she talks let your eyes wander, but only around the face, no other body parts Pause and act like you don't know what to say, then say something when she's like, "Is he listening?" The rest will come naturally and you'll develop your own style. Good luck and supreme confidence!

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well the thing wiht me is i don;t wnat to waste my time talking and flirting with some gal if she has a bf- i personally want to now straight up if she has a bf or not. why waste time talking to a gal with a bf when there are other single gals out there i should be going after. how would her bf feel like if some guy was hittin on her or trying to be friends with her-some guys hate it-almost like compettion. how can u do this without askin and personally seeing her kiss some guy.

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u now i seen lately a lot of the girls on campus that are good looking i see em with bfs or other guys. one time i saw a gal in the comp lab was about to talk ot her and didn't ,but then 2 days later saw her hand and hand with another guy-guess her bf, woow i am glad i didn't talk ot her or i might get threatened or azz kicked. lol. most gals out there in life that are good looking have a bf. some guys might think i am competition.

first i don;t want to waste my time on a gal with a bf and talk and flirt with her, but i want to now straight out if she is single-don;t like wasting time. soem girls are very friendly and talktive and flirty at times and even have a bf. what is with that. what happens if u ask a gal out- and hten she has a bf. how can u tell without askin or anything if she has a bf. i personally want to now straight up if she has a bf or not. why waste time talking to a gal with a bf when there are other single gals out there i should be going after. how would her bf feel like if some guy was hittin on her or trying to be friends with her-some guys hate it-almost like compettion. how can u do this without askin and personally seeing her kiss some guy.

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To me, flirting is always like a game. Honestly, if you put the person your talking to on a supernatural pedastal, there is absolutely no way that you can flirt let alone hold a conversation with them. You also need to learn how to let your eyes speak for you! Trust me, It works 8)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, I agree to everybody so far, but I'd like to add a simple thing.


Keep in mind the two essential rules:

1- Be a nice person from outside in.

2- Be honest from inside out.

Conclusion: you'll always show yourself nicely to others.


There's no mistake: do that and you can get most things honest.


About your particular issue, if you apply what I said and everybody said before me, you'll be nice to her, you'll show yourself nice to her and all a good person can do with this is open oneself. If don't, then it's not really a good person (or maybe it's a very hurt one from cases past, we can't tell for sure). And if not a good person, then you probably don't need her and will find someone else who is.


Everybody likes kindness and politeness, it works great in most cases.

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