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Sometimes depends on the person,With myself sometimes I just go up and talk to ppl because I am very outgoing and just want to meet new people and it's not always because I am interested,Other girls may walk up and talk to you if they are interested though just my opinion

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I think the girl will, but it takes alot of interest and a certain degree of extroversion, as others have said. There was this girl who would said something to me from accross a parking lot of my apartment building once, I was dumbfounded and I could just look at her speechless. She'd also smile whenever she saw me. I regret not being able to show my interest, because I thought she was gorgeous. But it all started with a smile, I was walking with a friend one day, I was smiling and then when I turned around she was smiling at me. You HAVE to appear to be approachable by smiling, that's the key to finding out which girls are interested in you. They might not all initiate anything, but at the very least they'll smile at you and you can say 'hi.' What I usually do, because it's hard to smile randomly, when you're with your friends, relax, and smile alot (it'll feel more natrual)...let your smile linger while you look a a girl you might be interested in. She just might smile back, or you could spark her interest with a simple smile.

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If a girl likes you, she'll make it noticeable. It might not be obvious...but she'll do it in her own way (just like a guy would)...body language is a def one....if the girl makes eye contact....says your name in a sentence when she talks to you....acts flirtacious....you'll be able to know....it all depends on the situation and whether or not she's a shy girl or an outgoing one....




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