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My boyfriend seems to be restless


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We've been in a long distance relationship and my boyfriend spends every night out. He's alone in the evening maybe once a month. The rest of the days he usually spends in bars with colleagues. Sometimes until late in the night.


And it really bothers me for some reason.. Maybe its because I begrudge him fun?

If I had the money as a student to spend my nights drinking, then maybe I would. Or if I had more friends that wanted to do cool stuff. But it's actually not even what I want. I enjoy being on my own at night after a stressful day.


We wanted to book a hotel for vacation and he said he'd do it, but he's never home.. He just doesn't make time for things like these..


And on the weekends he usually goes somewhere out of town with his friends and then he gets back late.. But no, he doesn't go home, he goes to a bar with them afterwards.

Why is it that he just can't spend time at home?


We consider moving in together next year. But I really don't want someone that spends his nights in bars every day... It worries me.

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I believe this is an incompatibility issue and possibly an insecurity issue. Does it make you feel insecure knowing that your boyfriend doesn't "need" and can have fun with his friends without you? Do you have fun with your friends or do you constantly miss him? What do you do on your nights off? What would you like him to be doing instead of going out with his friends?

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