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Does he like me as he explain things I never asked


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So I really like this friend of mine, but he doesn't know that as I don't flirt. He likes to tell me things about him or about friends he talk to. Any ways, so I suspect this other girl who he's friend with like him, as he tells me about her, I asked him... Have you ever thought maybe she has feelings for you? .. He explained why she behaved that way and then said don't worry, it's nothing...


Any ways, today he told me about what he been up to again, he spent some time with her and without me commenting, he look at me and said there's nothing dodgy happening between us. Don't worry...


He's my work colleague and we go church together, same as the girl. I was wondering, if he explain because he likes me?

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  • 1 year later...

Yes. Men only talk that much to women they want to spend time with. He is trying to gauge your feelings for him by your reaction to him when he talks about the other girl. Then he wants to reassure you that he isn't interested in her. If you are really listening to him, and he can tell, then he's going to want more.


Smile at him randomly if you make eye contact. Go from there.

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