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2 weeks of No contact . .and its getting harder

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K so its been 2 weeks of no contact with my ex girlfriend. She did email me once in the 2 weeks, asking me whats up, and why I havent been talking to her, and even wanted me to email her back. I didnt of course. Well last night I went to the bar wiht a big group of people, and I saw a lot of old GOOD freidns, and even danced with a bunch of girls, which is totally not me, I nevre liekd dancing casue Id feel self consious, but I was the one who was asking girls to dance last night. But when I got home, I jsut started feeling really sad, and thinking about my ex. I dunno what it is. Its almost liek I know that in the month we've been apart ive grown and Im a different person now. I can say that my feeligns for her have changed and its a different feeling. I really want to contact her, and email her back. I thought I was over her, but after last night I realize I am not. I still would love to work thigns out with her, but I know she doestn want that. Its almsot like i feel better when I am in contact with her then out of contact. Also last ngiht though, I emt a girl I really liked and danced with, and even hungout with her a bit after the club with some friends. I dunno if she has a boyfriend or what, but I actaully felt somethign. I dunno if thats the reason all theses old feeligns for the ex are coming back.

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I always view NC as taking medicine. It's not pleasant, but more often than not, it helps greatly. You said in your post that she doesn't want to work things out. I don't see a point in contacting her when you know she does not want to get back together. At the same time, you're finding other girls and people to hang out with that prove that there is life after the ex. My advise is continue with the NC and try to enjoy yourself. She doesn't want to get back together, so there is no point emailing her and having contact. NC is hard enough emotionally. I hope it works out for you.

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hey dude your doing everything fine in my eyes, everything, its gonan get alot harder before it gets worser, just keep it in your head, she dumped you and doesnt want anything to do with u, sounds harsh, but it gives you the power to say, well this was her choice, theres nothing i can do.

Im on week 5 of nc this week, after my ex was just really taking for granted that i am always around, she messaged me like a week ago online, but i shouldnt of even been online! NC is suppose to be pure NC, last time we DID speak it was on good terms, but i was getting fed up that she wouldnt reply to texts and really taken for granted that im always around etc. i wonder if she will contact me somehow.


But as to you, your doing fine man, just keep it up, look at it this way, you are in an emotional state, you are in no frame of mind to even talk to your ex, cause u will proberly mess it up sayin something stupid, I think NC makes u s tronger so you can think with ur own head and stuff. thats what u need to do, ur weak right now, u need to be strong, NC will give you that.


good luck

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I agree with detox and MsMe, continue doing what you are doing. The way I look at it, how would you feel if you did talk with her?? More than likely you would be mad or disappointed or whatever, so dont put yourself thru it right now. Not until you get stronger mentally and emotionally.


It does get easier as time progresses, but it will be baby steps for awhile. Keep yourself busy, and stay strong

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Yah, its a lot harder than I though it would be. Didnt think the urge to talk with ehr would get stronger. But it has. Kinda sucks thinking about what shes been upto and what not. She did say she wanted to be friends, but thats such a hard thing to have after a year and a half relationship, that and the fact that who knows if she really wants that casue she may have just said that. Im gonna try and be strong, I got a new email so she couldnt contact me that way or see me on my MSN. Althoguh I still find myself going onot my old MSN and checking ym emails, jsut to see if shes online.

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Riles84 --


I just wanted to tell you that I know what you mean when you say that even though you know what she wants and she doesn't want to get back together, you feel better being in contact with her than no contact.


My ex and I have been trying to be friends but mostly we only communicate through msn these days. He doesn't want me or us, he likes this other girl now, he's totally past it... yet when we don't talk at all, I feel so bad about the situation. And when I talk to him just chit chat for a while it seems to be better, although it doesn't make sense cuz why would we wanna talk to them if we know they don't want us?????


Just wanted to let you know you're not alone in this.

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hey riles84 --


i sent you a PM just a second ago. but if you want to read my previous posts you can search for them, go to search and and search for clodhopper under author... just if u feel like knowing more about my situation. otherwise we can just talk about our situations now instead of the past.


- clodhopper

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