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Should I leave My Bf To make myself Happy.. PLZ HELP ME

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I need help with a big problem.. Okay I have been going out with a guy for about a month ir so and we have been dating since 6th grade.. In the past we suffered from a on and off relationship.. My boyfriend tried for 3 years to be with me.. He says he loves me and he wants to be with me forever.. The thing is he get real jealous when I talk to other guys.. There is also my friends they like him and if i broke up with him then they would be mad at me and my boyfriend would be real real heartbroken I couldnt live with that..

In the past I have had problems with Love I try not to get attatched to people because im afraid they will break up with me that is why when things start to get good I tend to bail out..and break up with my boyfriend..

The other part to this problem is that I have been talking to other guys that are friends and they tell me that i need better then the guy im with and that I sould find better.. I dont know what to do ..I would be so thankful if someone would help me..

I dont know wether to break up with my Bf or stay with him..

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Hi and welcome


Put everything to one side, what do YOU want?


It doesn't matter what your friends or other guys say, it is all about what you want. If you want to be with him then spend some quality time with him, have fun things to do and don't talk to other guys behind his back.


hope everything works ok for you.

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K heres my biggest problems wiht opposite sex friendshsips in relationships. If your boyfriend gets jealous, its understandable, becasue if he doestn know the guys very well, hes oviously not gonna know what to expect. Also you need to talk wiht him about the jealousy, because if eh wants to be with you forever, then he needs to learn to trust you. The fact that your guy friends are telling you to ditch him adn you deserve better is kinda weird to me. You sure theses guy friedns dont have feelings. I have lots of girls taht are freidns, and i think of them as jsut friends, but if they were willing, i prolly bone every one of them. Thats jsut teh truth. If you think your boyfriedns a great guy, why are these guys saying this stuff. You need to think about this. Soudns like he really does love you. You need to decide what you want and forget about what other people say. Becasue if your friedns really loved you, they would know your happy with this guy and should support you instead of trying to break you up. really think about what you want, cause if you break up with him and tehn regret it it may be too late to go back.

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If you truly see no possible way to mend what you and your boyfriend had, then find someone else...but only if you want to do this. It's your choice and no pressure should be needed. Remember, you can't find happiness unless you are happy yourself. Good luck!

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I am in a similar predicament, yet I have learned a lot from it. A solution that may help is stated simply: You have to do what contributes to your happiness an not let anything put a hault on that. Meaning if you are in a situation and you are not happy, get out of it. The statement may be simple, but the action is what is hard.


Just like the other advisors said, YOU have to do it all for YOU and it does not matter what others think. Constantly troubling yourself with making sure that "others" approve only leaves your own happiness in the dust.


You deserve to have your life be the way YOU want it to be, know this, and keep you head held high.

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Well the other guys are obvesoully insterested in you, SO don't listen to them. If the thing with your boyfriend gets to bad comfront him about it, tell him he needs to controll it, your not his property. Getting attached takes time for some people, love is truly present than time will allow you to love him more. Good luck

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