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Is she interested or just a friend?

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I'm in high school and have a lead in the school play. Another girl in my class also has a lead in the play. I like her, and I think she likes me, but I don't know if she LIKES me, or if she's just a friend. She sits by me in class and during assemblies. She says my name when we pass in the hall (which is often), and sometimes she says "high-zees" instead of "hi" or "hello". Sometimes she even uses a special nickname she made up for me. She talks to me a lot, and laughs at my jokes. I've caught her staring at me more than once, and she acts nervous when around me. A few days ago, she asked if she could give me a hug. I said sure.


The problem is that she's a very nice, sweet girl. I don't know if she's just acting normally, or if she likes me. Can someone help me out?

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Hi and Welcome to eNotalone.com on behalf of everyone here! (Just a little warm welcome into the community )


It is hard to distinguish whether a friend likes you more or is she just being her self. They only way your going to get a answer if you talk to her, ask if you can speak to her and see if she feels the same way and if she doesn't then just explain that you don't want anything to change between the both of you.


If you don't ask then you might loose your chance if you do like her or you just end up not knowning all together.


It's really up to you what you want to do, fallow what you feel is right and you'll make the right decision in the end.


All the best ,


- whitefang

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2nd- sure, she might- but think for a minute- does she act this way around other guys, or just you? if its the later, take a chance- she probably does...




Some girls do this for the heck of it because that is their nature (to play around). The only way to find out is to be around her more and when she is around other guys.


Good luck!

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