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I became engaged with a girl who calls herself a "free spirit"......need clarity


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I have no choice but to end it......at the end of the day if I have to question and asked people their advise then it isn't right. and I actually use to walk around and I felt proud of who I was and now I feel defeated all the time. my 14 year old does not even like her anymore. in short thank you to everyone for taking the time to speak to me about this.


I am going to end it.......its going to be hard as hell. I haven't done it and already my chest is tight. but I know it needs to be done.


good choice. I was going to say that she sounds disrespectful, not a free spirit. You and her have different points of view on boundaries with members of the opposite sex. You should find someone who you are better aligned with.

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I have no choice but to end it......at the end of the day if I have to question and asked people their advise then it isn't right. and I actually use to walk around and I felt proud of who I was and now I feel defeated all the time. my 14 year old does not even like her anymore. in short thank you to everyone for taking the time to speak to me about this.


I am going to end it.......its going to be hard as hell. I haven't done it and already my chest is tight. but I know it needs to be done.


This post makes me very happy. If you married this woman, I believe you would regret it deeply. I think I saw four examples in your original post that are breakup worthy. I also think you are wise to work on your own boundaries. You have no responsibility for the actions and emotions of this woman. Best wishes.

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I'm sure your decision is difficult for you, but use your time away from her to retrospect on what you really want and need in your relationships. Your child not liking her is a problem, and sometimes you have to realize that any choice will feel like a bad choice, but you may just be less unhappy without her than with her.


I was with someone who did similar things. She finally escalated her friendship with someone into an affair. And then later I discovered a married woman was very interested in me, but I cut it off quickly because I could see it was going down a path I knew was wrong. Both times hurt, but I'm gl ad I'm not with a cheater, and I'm thankful I didn't become the other man.


Head high. You are staying true to your integrety.

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sure doesn't seem as though she is acting like she is engaged. you have to understand that if you are accepting this behavior now, you always will. you may say to yourself that you are not and that you are talking to her about it and standing up to her, but you're not. you are talking and not acting.

she sounds like a loose party girl. how about some background on her? does she have a decent family? mother? father? morals? values? you can tell a lot by a person by how they are with their family.

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