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Romance 101

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Look around on the net, there are a ton of good sites.


Check this out to start:

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Also watch chick flicks. You will see what women find romantic and can start thinking like that.


Most men just are not exposed to it so they don't think that way. If you expose yourself, you will see things that make women happy.


EDIT: Yeah, might have been good to find out if you're male or female... Just more often then not it's us guys who need help.

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Yes, I agree with muneca - more details would help us to formulate a reply. What gender are you, what is the gender of the person who said it and what relationship do you have with him/her. And what were the circumstances at the time the remark was made. We don't need a book - the Reader's Digest version will do,

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Ok, here goes nothing!! My ex-b/f and I have been working things out. The other night he told me that I was not romantic at all. I think I'm afraid of him making a joke out of the romance that I try to bring to the relationship!!

Once while we were in college he made fun of a romantic night that I put together. I rented a room at a cheesy hotel (it was college I had every little money, but I did the best with what I had), that day I went and decorated it with candles, roses and even made his favorite night and took it to the hotel. I went and picked him up all dressed up and with a single red rose. I had to make an excuse to why we had to go to the hotel, so I told him my roommate had rented a room there for her b/f and I had to drop-off something. When we go there, the first words out of his mouth were, "Who would ever rent a room here, this is a whole in the wall and a piece of crap." Those words really cut me to the core and I HAVE NEVER FORGOT THEM!!!!! So I guess it's really hard to try anything new and different, I'm afraid of being rejected. I know it's not a true rejection but it is a form of rejection.

I have been brushing up on how to rekindle the romance in out lives, through reading books and the internet, but, I'm afraid that I will be shot down and ripped to the core again. I really want to put that sparkle back into his eyes, the sparkle that was in his eye when our relationship was first in bloom!!!!!

Please help I need and idea that will blow him out of the water!!!!!


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Well I can see how that experience would upset you. Did he appreciate your efforts once he realized that surprise was for him?


What kind of romantic things has he done for you? I would appreciate more information please.

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I think you need to consider him... his personality.... things that he likes. and base your decision from there. i dont think the internet or any books will tell you exactly what your ex will like. I can see how his words hurt you, but just think about what he'd like... and really blow him out of the way


good luck.. keep us updated!

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