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Ok so heres my best friend stuck in a huge problem! Basically she was wit a guy for like a yr & somethin and they broke up however she hasnt moved on YET.

Shes not planning to get back for many reasons but she still cares,so recently i decided to hook her up with someone or start talking to other guys. She found this one guy interesting but prob is its a 4 yrs age difference and shes 18 n hes 22,


Also shes not sure if she wants to be in a relationship or not shes confused. She asked me what she should do..and im LOST!


So thereforeeee if any of you guys have any opinion towards this PLEASE share! I mean do you think the age should matter or she should just wait till shes completely over her ex..i dont know id appreciate it if you guys gave some of your thoughts on this thankss

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It might help to her get over him by dating but I am not dating even though I have been going through a breakup for awhile now,It takes some time she will do it when she is ready just dont push her,I dont think the age makes any kind of difference at all just give her the time she needs,I know you think this may help her and it very well could but it could also make things worse for her,It's really nice of you to be there for her just make sure you listen to her when she needs to talk and be there for her because going through a breakup is hard

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Hey bobo,


You seem a good friend to her! I think it's a good move to give her a gentle push in the back to meet new people. Just MEET new people. If I was her friend, my advise to her would be to 1. just stay friends or date casually (not starting an intimate relationship) 2. for the 22 yr old guy, if she really feels like something is there, take it very slow and be honest with the guy.


The age difference is pretty normal, 4 years is really not that much. I have dated a guy who was 6 years my senior and he was really much less mature than my current love, and he is half a year my junior. As for illustration, lol, my mother is my fathers junior by 7 years, and my grandFATHER is like 12 years younger than my grandmother (which is so cool, especially in that time that was unheared of haha).



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